Call Number (LC) Title Results
QR82.B3 Clostridium difficile : methods and protocols /
Applications of bacillus and bacillus derived genera in agriculture, biotechnology and beyond /
Bacillus thuringiensis and Lysinibacillus sphaericus : characterization and use in the field of biocontrol /
Bacilli in agrobiotechnology plant stress tolerance, bioremediation, and bioprospecting /
In situ-downstream processing of recombinant histidine-tagged proteins from cultivations of Bacillus megaterium.
Entomopathogenic bacteria : from laboratory to field application /
The diverse faces of bacillus cereus /
QR82.B3 A66 2002 Applications and systematics of Bacillus and relatives / 1
QR82.B3 A66 2002eb Applications and systematics of bacillus and relatives 1
QR82.B3 B32 1989 Bacillus / 1
QR82.B3 B32 1989eb Bacillus / 1
QR82.B3 B325 2017 Bacillus : cellular and molecular biology / 1
QR82.B3 B33 1986 Bacillus molecular genetics and biotechnology applications /
Bacillus molecular genetics and biotechnology applications
QR82.B3 B33 2012 Bacillus thuringiensis biotechnology 1
QR82.B3 B3325 2002 Bacillus subtilis and its closest relatives : 1
QR82.B3 B333 1993  
QR82.B3 B334 1989 Bacillus subtilis : molecular biology and industrial application / 1
QR82.B3 B335 2007 Bacillus : cellular and molecular biology / 1
QR82.B3 B336 1993 Bacillus thuringiensis : an environmental biopesticide : theory and practice / 1
QR82.B3 B3365 1999 Bacillus thuringiensis. 1
QR82.B3 B34 1990 Bacterial control of mosquitoes & black flies : biochemistry, genetics, & applications of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus / 1
QR82.B3 B56 1992 Biology of bacilli : applications to industry / 1
QR82.B3 B82 The morphology of Bacillus radicicola / 1
QR82.B3 C54 2009 Clostridia : molecular biology in the post-genomic era / 1
QR82.B3 C56 1989 Clostridia / 1
QR82.B3 C56 1989eb Clostridia / 1