Call Number (LC) Title Results
R121 .C38 1698 Exēgētēs Iatrikos; or, The medical expositor, in an alphabetical order. With the division of man's body, into its several parts; [with] their various names, and the diseases they are subject to: in Latin, Greek and English; [for] the benefit of all physicians, [chi]urgeons, and apothecaries. / 1
R121 .C516 1995 Zhong yi da ci dian / 1
R121 .C65 2000 Dictionary of medicine / 1
R121 C65 2000 Dictionary of medicine / 1
R121 .C676 2015eb Concise medical dictionary. 1
R121 .D384 2013 The dictionary of cell and molecular biology / 1
R121 .D384 2013eb The dictionary of cell and molecular biology /
The dictionary of cell and molecular biology
R121 .D52 1979 Dictionary of medical terms : Latin-English-Chinese = Yi xue ming ci hui bian : Layingzhong wen dui zhao. 1
R121 .D53 2001  
R121 .D72 1987 Elsevier's encyclopaedic dictionary of medicine : in five languages, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish / 1
R121 .D73 Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary.
The American illustrated medical dictionary.
R121 .D74 1980 Dorland's Medical dictionary : shorter edition.
Dorland's Medical dictionary /
R121 .D76 1979 Melloni's illustrated medical dictionary / 1
R121 .D76 1985 Melloni's illustrated medical dictionary / 1
R121 .D9 1853i Medical lexicon a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise explanation of the various subjects and terms of physiology, pathology, hygiene, therapeutics, pharmacology, obstetrics, medical jurisprudence, &c. : with the French and other synonymes : notices of climate, and of celebrated mineral waters : formulae for various officinal, empirical, and dietetic preparations, etc. / 1
R121 .D9 1874i A dictionary of medical science containing a concise explanation of the various subjects and terms of anatomy, physiology, pathology, hygiene, therapeutics, medical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacy, surgery, obstetrics, medical jurisprudence, and dentistry, notices of climate, and of mineral waters, formulae for officinal, empirical and dietetic preparations : with the accentuation and etymology of the terms, and the French and other synonyms / 1
R121 .E5 1964 Elsevier's medical dictionary in five languages: English/American, French, Italian, Spanish, and German / 1
R121 .E52 1964 Elsevier's medical dictionary in five languages: English/American, French, Italian, Spanish, and German / 1
R121 .E52 1975 Elsevier's medical dictionary in five languages : English/American, French, Italian, Spanish, and German / 1
R121 .E88 1960i Glossary of words and phrases used in radiology and nuclear medicine prepared from various sources for medical secretaries, X-ray technicians, medical students and residents in radiology, with a section on suggested terminology for roentgenological reports / 1