Call Number (LC) Title Results
R127.1 .Y57 2015 Er huo bian wang / 1
R127.1 .Y827 2015 Guang si yao yu / 1
R127.1 .Z423 2011 Ru men shi qin / 1
R127.1 .Z425 2013 Yi shuo / 1
R127.1 .Z426 2018 Qin Han jian du yi fang ji zhu / 1
R127.1 Z429 2015 Gu jin yi shi / 1
R127.1 .Z43 2006 Zhang Zihe yan jiu ji cheng / 1
R127.1 .Z45 2012 Zhen ben yi shu ji cheng / 1
R127.1 .Z46 2015 Xin kan yao xing yao lüe da quan / 1
R127.1 .Z468 2016 Zhou shi yi xue cong shu / 1
R127.1 .Z47 2015 Wen zheng zhi gui / 1
R127.1 Z472 2015 Yi xue sui jin / 1
R127.1 .Z48 2015 Yi lin kou pu liu zhi mi shu / 1
R127.1.Z546 W46 2005 Zhang Zhongjing yan jiu wen xian suo yin / 1
R127.1 .Z576 2016 Zhu Quan yi xue quan shu / 1
R127.2 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdaya : a scientific synopsis of the classic Ayurveda text /
The Vimana Sthana of the Charaka Samhita as a Knowledge and Measurement Unit.
R127.2 .A88 Vāgbhaṭa's Aṣṭāṅga hr̦dayam : text, English translation, notes, appendix, and indices / 1
R127.2 .B47313 2000 Bhela-saṃhitā : text with English translation, commentary, and critical notes / 1
R127.2 .C3 1992 Carakasaṃhitā / 1
R127.2 .C313 1981 Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Drḍhabala : text with English translation / 1