Call Number (LC) Title Results
R128 .B3 1928a Fratris Rogeri Bacon 'De retardatione accidentium senectutis : cum aliis opusculis de rebus medicinalibus / 1
R128 .B465 1999 Hildegard of Bingen : on natural philosophy and medicine : selections from Cause et cure / 1
R128 .B5612 2000 The tabula antidotarii of Armengaud Blaise and its Hebrew translation / 1
R128 .B564 1925 Petronus, Petronius, Petroncellus, ein Salernitaner Arzt aus der Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts (d. 1197), sein klinisches Schriftwerk und der Autor der Übergangszeit Petricellus / 1
R128 .C66 Willisius male vindicatus, sive, Medicus Oxoniensis mendacitatis & inscitiæ detectus 2
R128 .D36 2020eb Liber Uricrisiarum : a reading edition / 2
R128 .D413 1992 Women's secrets : a translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus's De secretis mulierum with commentaries / 1
R128 .D413 1992eb Women's secrets : a translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus's De secretis mulierum with commentaries / 1
R128 .D45 2003 Prontuario medico : testo edito per la prima volta / 1
R128 .E39 The vvhole art of chyrurgery being the theorique and practique of the same : briefly composed for the benefit of those that are solicitous of their healths in these dangerous times : but more especially for those that delight in the knowledge of the worthy profession of physicke and chyrurgery / 1
R128 .F56 The preternatural state of animal humours described by their sensible qualities, which depend on the different degrees of their fermentation and the cure of each particular cacochymia is performed by medicines of a peculiar specific taste, described : to this treatise are added two appendixes I. About the nature of fevers and their ferments and cure by particular tastes, II. Concerning the effervescence and ebullition of the several cacochymia's ... / 2
R128 .F745 2000 Ancients and moderns in the medical sciences : from Hippocrates to Harvey / 1
R128 .G6 Medieval and Renaissance medicine. 1
R128 .H515 1992 Heilkunde : das Buch von dem Grund und Wesen und der Heilung der Krankheiten / 1
R128 .H5313 1998 Hildegard von Bingen's Physica : the complete English translation of her classic work on health and healing / 1
R128 .H55 2014 Physica. Liber subtilitatum diversarum naturarum creaturarum : Band 3: Kommentiertes Register der deutschen Wörter. 1
R128 .K513 The medical formulary, or Aqrābādhīn / 1
R128 .K94 2017 Medicine and humanism in late Medieval Italy : the Carrara herbal, in Padua / 2
R128 .K96 2019 Medicine at Monte Cassino : Constantine the African and the oldest manuscript of his Pantegni / 1
R128 .L3312 2001 Anglo-Saxon remedies, charms, and prayers from British Library Ms Harley 585 : the Lacnunga / 1