Call Number (LC) Title Results
R128.6 .P24 Four treatises of Theophrastus von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus / 1
R128.6 .P24 1988 Four treatises together with selected writings / 1
R128.6 P3 1658 Avr. Philip. Theoph. Paracelsi Bombast ab Hohenheim ... opera omnia : medico-chemico-chirvrgica, tribvs volvminibvs comprehensa. 1
R128.6.P33 P3 Paracelsus : an introduction to philosophical medicine in the era of the Renaissance. 1
R128.6.P33 P3 1982 Paracelsus : an introduction to philosophical medicine in the era of the Renaissance / 1
R128.6 .P34 1953x Textes choisis / 1
R128.6 .P35 1840 Œuvres complètes d'Ambroise Paré revues et collationnées sur toutes les éditions, avec les variantes : ornées de 217 planches et du portrait de l'auteur; accompagnées de notes historiques et critiques; et précédées d'une introduction sur l'origine et les progrès de la chirurgie en Occident du sixième au seizième siècle, et sur la vie et les ouvrages / 1
R128.6 .P35 1970 Œuvres complètes / 1
R128.6 .P46 Ptokopharmaken, seu Medicamen miseris, or, Pauperum pyxidicula salutifera. Help for the poor collected for the benefit of such as are not able to make use of physitians and chirugions, or live remote from them. Also an appendix concerning letting bloud in the smallpox / 2
R128.6 .P57 The gouernau[n]ce of good helthe, by the moste excellent phylosopher Plutarche, the moste eloquent Erasmus beynge interpretoure. 1
R128.6 .P63 1982 Criptologia / 1
R128.6 .R86 1638 Compendium Hermeticum, de macrosmo [sic] et microcosmo, totius philosophiae & medicinae cognitionem breviter & comendiose complectems. Additum est dispensatorium chymicum nouum de vera medicamentorum praeparatione. 1
R128.6 .S24 Iatrica, seu, Praxis medendi. the practice of curing, being a medicinal history of many famous observations in the cure of diseases performed by the author : whereunto is added by way of scholia, a complete theory, or method of precepts ... together with several of the choisest observations of other famous men ... / 2
R128.6 .V53 1571 The most excellent workes of chirurgerie 1
R128.6 .W36 2015 Yi xue qiong yuan ji / 1
R128.6 .W57 1598 Praxis medicinæ vniuersalis, or, A generall practise of physicke wherein are conteined all inward and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities that are incident vnto them, euen from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foote, also by what meanes (vvith the help of God) they may be remedied : very meete and profitable, not only for all phisitions, chirurgions, apothecaries, and midwiues, but for all other estates whatsoeuer, the like whereof as yet in English hath not beene published / 1
R128.6 ebook "Libro llamado el porqué" de Girolamo Manfredi : régimen de salud y tratado de fisiognomonía / 1
R128.7 Isbrandi de Diemerbroeck, in academia Ultrajectina mediciae & anatomes professoris opera omnia, anatomica et medica partim jam antea excusa, sed plurimis locis ab ipso auctore emendata, & aucta, partim nondum edita /
The State of physick in London with an account of the charitable regulation made lately at the College of Physicians towards preparing medicines there at the intrinsick value for the poor, and giving them advice gratis, Wednesdays and Saturdays in the afternoon, all the year round. London, April 22, 1698.
Observationum medicarum : Libri tres /
Ortus medicinæ. Id est, Initia physicæ inavdita : Progressus medicinæ novus, in Morborum Ultionem, ad Vitam Longam /
R128.7 .A43 1749 Synopsis medicinæ, or, a summary view of the whole practice of physick. Being the sentiments of the most celebrated authors in all ages, relating to diseases, their causes and cures. With most cases in surgery and midwifery. ... In two volumes. ... / 1
R128.7 .A6 A rich closet of physical secrets collected together by the elaborate paines of four severall students in physick, and digested together ... : with certain approved medicines taken out of manuscript, found at the dissolution of one of our English abbies, and supplied with some of his own experiments, by a late English doctor. 1