Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
R128.7 .M3 | Praxeos Mayernianæ ex adversariis, consiliis ac epistolis ejus summâ curâ ac diligentiâ concinnatum : syntagma alterum. | 2 |
R128.7 .M32 1659 | XCIX canons, or rules learnedly describing an excellent method for practitioners in physick / | 1 |
R128.7 .M39 | Medicinal councels, or advices | 2 |
R128.7 .M435 2019 | Medicine and the Inquisition in the Early Modern World. | 1 |
R128.7 .M47 |
The accomplisht physician, the honest apothecary, and the skilful chyrurgeon detecting their necessary connexion and dependence on each other : withall a discovery of the frauds of the quacking empirick, the praescribing surgeon, and the practicing apothecary : whereunto is added the physicians circuit, the history of physick, and a lash for Lex talionis. The accomplisht physician, the honest apothecary, and the skilful chyrurgeon detecting their necessary connexion and dependence on each other : withall a discovery of the frauds of the quacking empirick, the praescribing surgeon, and the practicing apothecary : |
2 |
R128.7 .M47 1665 | A letter concerning the present state of physick, and the regulation of the practice of it in this kingdom | 2 |
R128.7 .M527 2019 | Medicine and the inquisition in the early modern world / | 1 |
R128.7 .M62 |
A Modest examination of a late pamphlet entituled, Apollo mathematicus The Modest reply of J. Blackstone examined |
3 |
R128.7 M65 1686 | Abstractum chirurgiae marinae., or, An abstract of sea chirurgery: designed for the use of such chirurgeons who desire to serve at sea, yet are unacquainted with sea practice : in order to their restoring to health of sick or wounded sea-men; but may all fitly serve for most chirurgeons. In three compendious books. The first containeth certain directions necessary to be observed by the sea-chirurgeon in his fitting out. The second teacheth how he should perform his chirurgical duty being at sea, both in an ingagement and at other times. The third instructeth how he must execute the phisical office imposed on him / | 1 |
R128.7 .M86 | Biochrēstologia, seu, Commentarii de aere vitali, de esculentis, de potulentis cum corollario de parergis in victu / | 2 |
R128.7 .M86 1685 | Biochrēstologia seu, Commentarii de aere vitali, de esculentis, de potulentis. Cum corollario de parergis in victu. | 1 |
R128.7 N53 1650 | This most precious balsome is made in manner like a plaister for every ones conveniency, because they may carry it about with them wheresoever the please, and it is also made hard because if it were liquid, it would bee great inconvenience to carry it. The remedies of the said balsome. | 1 |
R128.7 .P15 1984 | The admirable secrets of physick and chyrurgery / | 1 |
R128.7 .P27 | The works of Ambrose Parey chyrurgeon to Henry II, Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III, Kings of France wherein are contained, an introduction to chirurgery in general : a discourse of animals and the excellence of man : the anatomy of man's body : a treatise of praeternatural tumors ... / | 2 |
R128.7 P33 1700 | Promptuarium praxeos medicae. Seu, Methodus medendi, praescriptis celeberrimorum medicorum Londinensium concinnata. | 1 |
R128.7 .P37 1620 | Consilia medicinalia, de conseruanda sanitate et propriè corporum, quorum caput & stomachus ab æquali, ad intensam declinant humiditatem : et dividuntur in capita septem. / | 1 |
R128.7 .P37 1650 | A ternary of paradoxes the magnetick cure of wounds, nativity of tartar in wine, image of God in man / | 2 |
R128.7 .P53 | Culpepers physical and chymicall way of curing the most difficult and incurable diseases with a catalogue of the cures performed by the rare medicaments of George Phedro, a famous physitian / | 2 |
R128.7 .P74 1622 | Medicaments for the poor; or, Physick for the common people. Containing, excellent remedies for most common diseases, incident to mans body; made of such things as are common to be had in almost every country in the world: and are made with little art, and small charge. This book is of admirable use for, 1. Purging medicines, for choler, flegm, melancholly, or watry [sic] humors. ... 20. Or in dissolved unity. Hereunto is added an excellent book, called Health for rich and poor, by diet without physick. / | 1 |
R128.7 .P74 1664 | Medicaments for the poor; or, Physick for the common people. Containing, excellent remedies for most common diseases, incident to mans body; made of such things as are common to be had in almost every country in the world: and are made with little art, and small charge. This book is of admirable use for, 1. Purging medicines, for choler, flegm, melancholly, or watry [sic] humors. ... 20. Or in dissolved unity. Hereunto is added an excellent book, called Health for rich and poor, by diet without physick. / | 1 |