R138 .A63 1999
Ancient histories of medicine : essays in medical doxography and historiography in classical antiquity / |
1 |
R138 .A65 2011
De medicina / |
1 |
R138 .A65 2011eb
Anonymus londiniensis : de medicina / |
1 |
R138 .B35 2013
The archaeology of medicine in the Greco-Roman world / |
3 |
R138 .B46 2017eb
Medicine and pharmacy in Byzantine hospitals : a study of the extant formularies / |
2 |
R138 .B75 2019
Brill's companion to the reception of Galen / |
1 |
R138 .C36 2023
The cosmological doctors of classical Greece : first principles in early Greek medicine / |
2 |
R138 .C53 2016
A Cretan healer's handbook in the Byzantine tradition : text, translation and commentary / |
1 |
R138 .C767 2018
Hippocratic Oratory : the Poetics of Early Greek Medical Prose / |
1 |
R138 .G54
Therapeia : la medicina popular en el mundo clásico. |
1 |
R138 .G73 2014
'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin medical texts : studies in cultural change and exchange in ancient medicine / |
1 |
R138 .G73 2018eb
Greek medical literature and its readers : from Hippocrates to Islam and Byzantium / |
1 |
R138 .H43 2005
Health in antiquity / |
1 |
R138 .H43 2005eb
Health in antiquity / |
2 |
R138 .I36 2002
Clavis commentariorum der antiken medizinischen Texte / |
1 |
R138 .I58 2015
Patients and healers in the High Roman Empire / |
1 |
R138 .I87 2015eb
Patients and healers in the High Roman Empire / |
1 |
R138 .K78 1985
Heilkunst und Heilkult : Medizin in der Antike / |
1 |
R138 .L649 1998
Greek medicine : from the heroic to the Hellenistic age : a source book / |
1 |
R138 .L649 1998eb