Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
R135.5 .R663 2000 | Encyclopedia of medicine in the Bible and the Talmud / | 1 |
R135.5 .R667 1998 | The medical legacy of Moses Maimonides / | 2 |
R135.5 .R67 | Medicine in the Bible and the Talmud : selections from classical Jewish sources / | 1 |
R135.5 .R675 1997 | Medicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides / | 1 |
R135.6 .H25 | Medical science in Pali literature / | 1 |
R135.6 .S25 2014 | Translating Buddhist medicine in medieval China / | 2 |
R137 | Medicine and society in Ptolemaic Egypt / | 1 |
R137 .A55 2005 | The art of medicine in ancient Egypt / | 1 |
R137 .E58 2020 | A Spotlight on the history of ancient Egyptian medicine / | 1 |
R137 .F85 2011 | Investigation into dynamics of ancient Egyptian pharmacology : a statistical analysis of Papyrus Ebers and cross-cultural medical thinking / | 1 |
R137 .G67 2004 | The quick and the dead : biomedical theory in ancient Egypt / | 1 |
R137 .G67 2004eb | The quick and the dead : biomedical theory in ancient Egypt / | 1 |
R137 .H3413 2005 | Medicine in the days of the pharaohs / | 1 |
R137 .H36 1999 | Handbuch der altägyptischen medizin / | 1 |
R137 .N86 1996eb | Ancient Egyptian medicine / | 1 |
R137 .S233 2018 | Paleopathology of the Ancient Egyptians : an Annotated Bibliography 1995-2016, Updated Edition. | 1 |
R137 .S7413 1993 | The secret medicine of the pharoahs : ancient Egyptian healing / | 1 |
R138 |
Greek medicine from the heroic to the Hellenistic age : a source book Greek medicine from Hippocrates to Galen : selected papers / Greek medicine from Hippocrates to Galen selected papers / Medicine, health, and healing in the ancient Mediterranean (500 BCE-600 CE) : a sourcebook / 'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin medical texts : studies in cultural change and exchange in ancient medicine / Brill's companion to the reception of Galen / Tools and the organism technology and the body in ancient Greek and Roman medicine / The 'Hippocratic' corpus : content and context / A census of Greek medical manuscripts : from Byzantium to the Renaissance / |
11 |
R138 .A344 1995 | Der Traktat Peri tōn iobolōn thēriōn kai dēlētēriōn pharmakōn des sog. Aelius Promotus / | 1 |
R138 .A3516 2002 | Manuale della salute = dynameron / | 1 |