Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
R148 .A72 |
Secrets disclosed of consumptions shewing [h]ow to distinguish between scurvy and venereal disease : also, how to prevent and cure the fistula by chymical drops without cutting, also piles, hæmorrhoids, and other diseases / Every man his own doctor in two parts, shewing I. how every one may know his own constitution by certain signs, also the nature and faculties of all food as well as meats as drinks ... : the second part shews the full knowledge and cure of the pox, running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumptions and obstructions, agues ... / Secrets disclosed, or, The treatise of consumptions, their various causes and cure shewing also how to distinguish between the scurvy and venereal disease and how to prevent and cure fistula by chymical drops without cutting ... : how to know and cure the different piles, hæmorrhoids, issuings and other diseases of the private parts : treating also of the virtues of the great East-India cordial stone or powder called Antoinio : also the great force of magick and antipathy by a noble experiment / Secrets disclosed, or, The treatise of consumptions, their various causes and cure shewing also how to distinguish between the scurvy and venereal disease and how to prevent and cure fistula by chymical drops without cutting ... : how to know and cure the different piles, hæmorrhoids, issuings and other diseases of the private parts : treating also of the virtues of the great East-India cordial stone or powder called Antoinio : also the great force of magick and antipathy by a noble experiment / |
6 |
R148.A84 1673 | Exploratio pulsus plus confert ad rem medicam quam inspectio urinarum | 1 |
R148.B33 1696 | Nitrum aereum non est necessarium ad sanguinem fermentandum | 1 |
R148.B73 1653 | Infans commodius alitur lacte materno quam nutricis alienæ | 1 |
R148 .B86 1656 | Omotropia naturæ or The uniformity of nature's motion. A physical discourse, exhibiting the cure of diseases by signature. Wherein is demonstrated, a similitude of substance between actives and passives: and all operation of contrariety denyed, by a demonstration of poyson. / | 1 |
R148 .F54 1674 | Good tydings to the sick and lame: or, The sick-man's library. Teaching both high and low, rich and poor, next under God, how to prescribe to, or procure ease for the pained, strength for the weak, health for the sick, and cure for sores. Being a true and candid relation of the vertue and uses of four excellent medicines, viz. Arcanum vegetabilium, Pilulæ vegetantes, Balsamum vitæ, Unguentum refrigerans, whereunto is added, a few of the many testimonies and cures performed by the same ... published for the good of all who labour under pain and misery. / | 1 |
R148 .I7 | It was little expected by the Colledge of Physicians that after (as is reported) they had openly declared in their publick assembly, that none of them would oppose the apothecaries bill | 1 |
R148 (INTERNET) | Plano-pnigmos, or, A gag for Johnson that published animadversions upon Galen-pale and, a scourge for that pitiful fellow Mr. Galen that dictated to him a scurrillous Greek title / | 1 |
R148 .K3 | Die Tollwut in Mitteleuropa : von 1953 bis 1966 / | 1 |
R148 .K5 | The medical world of the eighteenth century. | 1 |
R148 .L68 2021 | Casanova's guide to medicine : 18th century medical practice / | 1 |
R148 .M36 1990 | The Medical enlightenment of the eighteenth century / | 1 |
R148 .M39 | Medicus absolutus adespotos the compleat physitian, qualified and dignified : the rise and progress of physick, historically, chronologically, and philosophically illustrated : physitians of different sects and judgements, charactered and distinguished : the abuse of medicines, imposture of empericks, and illegal practisers detected : cautioning the diseased in the use of medicines, and informing them in the choice of a good physitian / | 2 |
R148 .M47 1682 | Evident satisfasction to the sick and lame; by Nath. Merry, student in physick, dwelling at the Star in Bow-Lane, near Cheapside. | 1 |
R148.M67 1662 | Scorbutus & Chlorosis oriuntur à torpore spirituum animalium | 1 |
R148 .R54 1987 | The eighteenth century campaign to avoid disease / | 1 |
R148 .R68 1991 | Enlightenment borders : pre- and post-modern discourses : medical, scientific / | 1 |
R148 .S45 | Medicine and society in America, 1660-1860. | 1 |
R148 .S49 11 | Lex talonis, sive, Vindicæ pharmacoporum, or, A short reply to Dr. Merrett's book and others written against apothecaries : wherein may be discovered the frauds and abuses committed by doctors professing and practising pharmacy. | 1 |
R148 .S49 26 | A discourse wherein the interest of the patient in reference to physick and physicians is soberly debated, many abuses of the apothecaries in the preparing their medicines are detected and their unfitness for practice discovered : together with the reasons and advantages of physicians preparing their own medicines. | 1 |