Call Number (LC) Title Results
R147.D66 The world of Girolamo Donzellini : a network of heterodox physicians in sixteenth-century Venice / 1
R147.H3 L3 Vida y obra de Guillermo Harvey / 1
R147.M3 .O63 1700 Equitis aurati medici et philosophi suo ævo perplurime celeberrimi Opera medica complectentia consilia epistolas et observationes pharmacopeam : variasque medicamentorum formulas / 2
R147.P2 Paracelsus : an Alchemical Life. 1
R147.P2 B35 2006 The devil's doctor : Paracelsus and the world of Renaissance magic and science / 1
R147.P2 C57 2010 Paracelsus's theory of embodiment : conception and gestation in early modern Europe / 1
R147.P2 M67 2019 Paracelsus : an alchemical life / 1
R147.P2 P29 1985 Religion and neoplatonism in Renaissance medicine / 1
R147.P2 P37 1998 Paracelsus und seine internationale Rezeption in der frühen Neuzeit : Beiträge zur Geschichte des Paracelsismus / 1
R147.P2 P385 2002 Parcelsian moments : science, medicine & astrology in early modern Europe / 1
R147.P2 S7 Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim called Paracelsus : his personality and influence as physician, chemist and reformer / 1
R147.P2 W33 2008 Paracelsus : medicine, magic and mission at the end of time / 1
R147.P2 W47 Paracelse : l'homme, le médecin, l'alchimiste. La médecine / 1
R147.P2 Z44 Paracelsus : Europäer im 16. Jahrhundert / 1
R147.P53 G65 1662 A Golden practice of physick in five books, and three tomes : after a new, easie, and plain method of knowing, foretelling, preventing, and curing all diseases incident to the body of man : full of proper observations and remedies, both of ancient and modern physitians : being the fruits of one and thirty years travel, and fifty years practice of physick / 1
R147.T3 G6 1989 The life and times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi, surgeon of Bologna, 1545-1599 / 1
R148 Santorio Santori and the emergence of quantified medicine, 1614-1790 : corpuscularianism, technology and experimentation /
Pathologies of motion : historical thinking in medicine, aesthetics, and poetics /
R148 .A57 Antiscorbuticæ 2
R148.A59 1660 An answer to the objections made to the surgeons bill 1
R148 .A72 Secrets disclosed of consumptions shewing [h]ow to distinguish between scurvy and venereal disease : also, how to prevent and cure the fistula by chymical drops without cutting, also piles, hæmorrhoids, and other diseases /
Every man his own doctor in two parts, shewing I. how every one may know his own constitution by certain signs, also the nature and faculties of all food as well as meats as drinks ... : the second part shews the full knowledge and cure of the pox, running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumptions and obstructions, agues ... /
Secrets disclosed, or, The treatise of consumptions, their various causes and cure shewing also how to distinguish between the scurvy and venereal disease and how to prevent and cure fistula by chymical drops without cutting ... : how to know and cure the different piles, hæmorrhoids, issuings and other diseases of the private parts : treating also of the virtues of the great East-India cordial stone or powder called Antoinio : also the great force of magick and antipathy by a noble experiment /
Secrets disclosed, or, The treatise of consumptions, their various causes and cure shewing also how to distinguish between the scurvy and venereal disease and how to prevent and cure fistula by chymical drops without cutting ... : how to know and cure the different piles, hæmorrhoids, issuings and other diseases of the private parts : treating also of the virtues of the great East-India cordial stone or powder called Antoinio : also the great force of magick and antipathy by a noble experiment /