Call Number (LC) Title Results
R489.C45 G84 2000 Obesity and depression in the enlightenment : the life and times of George Cheyne / 1
R489.C45 G84 2000eb Obesity and depression in the enlightenment : the life and times of George Cheyne / 1
R489.C54 A3 2020  
R489.C58 A25 Selected writings / 1
R489.C58 A25 1948 Selected writings / 1
R489.C75 C63 2013 A memoir of John Conolly : comprising a sketch of the treatment of the insane in Europe and America / 1
R489.C76 V57 1684 Virtutes & merita piè defuncti viri nobilissimi & celeberrimi Dni. Guilhelmi Cronii art. & medic. doctoris experientissimi practici felicissimi illustr. Societatis Regiae quae est Londini in orbe famosissimae, collegae dignissimi, sub exequiali planctu tenui praedicatae abs quodam virtutis & artium amante elogio. 1
R489.C8 T5 James Currie, the entire stranger, & Robert Burns. 1
R489.C83 A3 2019 The major works of John Cotta : The short discovery (1612) and The trial of witchcraft (1616) / 1
R489.D32 A3 1940 The wind of circumstance / 1
R489.D357 A3 2005 Our culture, what's left of it : the mandarins and the masses / 1
R489.D55 T87 2015 Dr. William Edward Dillon : Navy surgeon in Livingstone's Africa / 1
R489.F45 The Voyages and Manifesto of William Fergusson, A Surgeon of the East India Company 1731-1739 / 1
R489.F585 C66 2001 Dr Simon Forman : a most notorious physician / 1
R489.F585 K37 2005 Medicine and magic in Elizabethan London : Simon Forman : astrologer, alchemist, and physician / 1
R489.F585 K37 2006eb Medicine and magic in Elizabethan London : Simon Forman - astrologer, alchemist, and physician / 1
R489.F585 T73 2001 The notorious astrological physician of London : works and days of Simon Forman / 1
R489.F585 T73 2001eb The notorious astrological physician of London : works and days of Simon Forman / 1
R489.F6 A4 1971 Chain of friendship : selected letters of Dr. John Fothergill of London, 1735-1780 / 1
R489.F7 B5 2007 Almost a legend - John Fry : leading reformer of general practice / 1