Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
R723.7 .P428 2008eb | Statistics workbook for evidence-based health care / | 1 |
R723.7 .P66 2014 | An introduction to evidence based practice in nursing & healthcare | 1 |
R723.7 .R39 2011eb | Therapeutics, evidence and decision-making | 1 |
R723.7 .T47 2017eb | Bodies in flux : scientific methods for negotiating medical uncertainty / | 1 |
R723.7 .U85 2004eb | Using Knowledge and Evidence in Health Care : Multidisciplinary Perspectives / | 3 |
R723.7 .V4713 2022 | Rehabilitation methodology and strategies : a study guide for physiotherapists / | 1 |
R723.7 .W54 2008eb | Wordt de patient er beter van? : over huisartsopleiding, kwaliteit, evidence-based medicine en nog het een en ander / | 1 |
R723.7 .W55 2022 | Implementation science / | 1 |
R723.7 ebook |
Prácticas basadas en la evidencia. Medicina basada en la evidencia y análisis de diseños de investigación clínica / |
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R724 |
Clinical medical ethics : landmark works of Mark Siegler, MD / Ethics for health promotion and health education. Occupational health ethics from theory to practice / Ethics of medical innovation, experimentation, and enhancement in military and humanitarian contexts Pragmatic judgments in direct patient care : moral theory at the beginning of clinical ethics consultation / Philosophical investigations into the essence of pediatric suffering / Challenging cases in clinical research ethics / Ethical health care / The new biology law, ethics, and biotechnology / Genealogie der Ethikpolitik : nationale Ethikkomitees als neue Regierungstechnologie : das Beispiel Frankreichs / Negotiating bioethics. Humanity at the heart of practice : a study of ethics for health-care students and practitioners / Jenseits der Therapie: Philosophie und Ethik wunscherfüllender Medizin. Sich einen Begriff vom Leiden Anderer machen : Eine Praktische Philosophie der Sorge. Healthcare ethics for healthcare practitioners Care ethics and social structures in medicine / Elements of moral experience in clinical ethics training and practice : sharing stories with strangers / Machine medical ethics / Bioethical controversies in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery Introduction to clinical ethics : perspectives from a physician bioethicist / Oxford handbook of medical ethics and law / An ethics of clinical uncertainty : lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic / Suffering and bioethics / Key debates in social work and philosophy / Problemas de vida o muerte diez ensayos de bioetica. Giving voice to values as a professional physician : an introduction to medical ethics / Nature of Difference. Medical ethics, law, and communication at a glance / Looking Beneath the Surface : Medical Ethics from Islamic and Western Perspectives. The human enhancement debate and disability : new bodies for a better life / Clinical ethics consultation : a practical guide / An ethical framework for global governance for health research Ethics in public health practice in India / Moral respect, objectification, and health care / Ethics and error in medicine / Frontiers in medical ethics : applicationsin a medical setting /Virginia Abernethy, editor. Care ethics, democratic citizenship and the state Medical Humanity and Inhumanity in the German-Speaking World. Bioethical decision making and argumentation / Methods in bioethics : the way we reason now / Ethics and professionalism in healthcare : transition and challenges / Vulnerability : challenging bioethics / Regional perspectives in bioethics / Bioética : una apuesta por la vida / Cine, bioética y profesionalismo / Healthcare ethics, law and professionalism: essays on the works of Alastair V. Campbell / Core ethics for health professionals : principles, issues, and compliance / The ethics of care : moral knowledge, communication, and the art of caregiving / BIOETHICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS : contemporary issues at home and abroad. Medical ethics and law : an introduction / Ethics and Chronic Illness / Practical ethics in occupational health / Ethics in general practice : a practical handbook for personal development / The healing tradition : reviving the soul of western medicine / Africa Focus Debates on Contemporary Contentious Biomedical Issues. Clinical research and the law / Medical ethics today : the BMAs handbook of ethics and law / The right to health care ethical considerations / Historical dictionary of medical ethics / Bioethics : issues and dilemmas / Ethics for international medicine a practical guide for aid workers in developing countries / MEDICAL HUMANITIES ethics, aesthetics, politics. Essays in medical ethics : plea for a medicine of prudence / New Perspectives in Japanese Bioethics. ETICA DEL CUIDADO EN CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD;A PARTIR DE LA LECTURA DE LA MUERTE DE IVAN ILICH DE LEV TOLSTOI Good ethics and bad choices : the relevance of behavioral economics for medical ethics / First do no harm : medical ethics in international humanitarian law / The history and bioethics of medical education : "you've got to be carefully taught" / Ethics for international medicine : a practical guide for aid workers in developing countries / African American Bioethics : Culture, Race, and Identity. Reflections on medical ethics : a search for categories of medical ethics / Dignity in healthcare : a practical approach for nurses and midwives / Too conscientious : the evolution of ethical challenges to professionalism in the American medical marketplace / Methods in medical ethics critical perspectives / How to treat persons On complicity and compromise / African traditional medicine : autonomy and informed consent / Family-oriented informed consent : East Asian and American perspectives / Disaster bioethics : normative issues when nothing is normal / Moral distress in the health professions / Everyday medical ethics and law / Everyday medical ethics and law Before bioethics : a history of American medical ethics from the colonial period to the bioethics revolution / Thorny issues in clinical ethics consultation : North American and European perspectives / Clinical trials and the African person : a quest to re-conceptualize responsibility / Medical ethics in clinical practice / DEBATING BIOETHICS. The ethics of personalised medicine : critical perspectives / Private life of the genome : genetic information and the right to privacy / Professionalism and ethics in medicine : a study guide for physicians and physicians-in-training / Con-ciencia médica : #cómics, #sanidad, #ética / Ethical issues in anesthesiology and surgery Ethical counselling and medical decision-making in the era of personalised medicine : a practice-oriented guide / Medical Ethics. Manual for Research Ethics Committees : Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College London / Neuroenhancement : how mental training and meditation can promote epistemic virtue / A critical examination of ethics in health care and biomedical research : voices and visions / Reconceiving medical ethics / Bioethics : an anthology / Pain neuroethics and bioethics / Pandemics and ethics : development -- problems -- solutions / Case analysis in clinical ethics / Can precision medicine be personal, can personalized medicine be precise? / CONTROVERSIES IN MEDICINE AND NEUROSCIENCE : through the prism of history, neurobiology and... bioethics. Et l'éthique dans tout ça? : En la racontant à mes filles ... / Medicine and morality : crises in the history of a profession / |
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R724-726.2 |
Quantitative Risk Assessment : Biomedical Ethics Reviews · 1986 / Alternative Medicine and Ethics / Biomedical Ethics Reviews · 1992 / Institutional Integrity in Health Care / The Health Care Ethics Consultant / Biomedical Ethics Reviews · 1987 / Reproduction, Technology, and Rights / Biomedical Ethics Reviews · 1989 / When medicine went mad bioethics and the Holocaust / |
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R724 .A28 1989 | Advance directives in medicine / | 1 |
R724 .A32 1992 | African-American perspectives on biomedical ethics / | 1 |
R724 .A33 1994 | Ethics in clinical practice / | 1 |
R724 .A447 1960 | Opinions and reports of the Judicial Council. Abstracted and annotated to the Principles of medical ethics. | 1 |
R724 .A56 2010 | Worst case bioethics : death, disaster, and public health / | 1 |
R724 .A663 2002 | Bioethics as practice / | 2 |
R724 .A663 2002eb | Bioethics as practice / | 1 |
R724 .A67 2010eb | Worst case bioethics : death, disaster, and public health / | 1 |
R724 .A74 1997 | Health care ethics : a theological analysis / | 1 |