Call Number (LC) Title Results
R726 .64 2019i Suicide tourism understanding the legal, philosophical, and socio-political dimensions / 1
R726 .A48 2000 Alternatives to physician-assisted suicide / 1
R726 .A74 1995 Arguing euthanasia : the controversy over mercy killing, assisted suicide, and the "right to die" / 3
R726 .A83 1998 Asking to die : inside the Dutch debate about euthanasia / 1
R726 .A86 2000 Assisted suicide : Canadian perspectives / 1
R726 .A86 2000eb Assisted suicide : Canadian perspectives / 1
R726 .A862 2002 Assisted suicide : finding common ground / 1
R726 .A89 2003 Write to death : news framing of the right to die conflict, from Quinlan's coma to Kevorkian's conviction / 1
R726 .B22 1997 Elders' views on the right to die : facilitating decisions about life-sustaining treatment / 1
R726 .B288 1994 Breaking the thread of life : on rational suicide / 3
R726 .B325 1996 A graceful exit : life and death on your own terms / 3
R726 .B329 2005 Ending life : ethics and the way we die / 2
R726 .B33 1994 The least worst death : essays in bioethics on the end of life / 2
R726 .B39 Beneficent euthanasia / 3
R726 .B54 2004 Aiming to kill : the ethics of suicide and euthanasia / 1
R726 .B788 2021 Scripting death : stories of assisted dying in America / 2
R726 .B87 1994 Death and deliverance : "euthanasia" in Germany c. 1900-1945 / 2
R726 .B9 1986 By no extraordinary means : the choice to forgo life-sustaining food and water / 1
R726 .C34 1993 Advance directives and the pursuit of death with dignity / 3
R726 .C355 2002 The case against assisted suicide : for the right to end-of-life care / 2