Call Number (LC) Title Results
R726 .E775 Ethical issues relating to life and death / 3
R726 .E785 1995 Euthanasia and assisted suicide : the current debate / 1
R726 .E785 2003 Euthanasia. 1
R726 .E7865 2005 Euthanasia and palliative care in the Low Countries / 1
R726 .E788 1998 Euthanasia and the churches / 1
R726 .E79 1970 Euthanasia and the right to death : the case for voluntary euthanasia / 1
R726 .E7917 1995 Euthanasia examined : ethical, clinical, and legal perspectives / 2
R726 .E7924 1989 Euthanasia : opposing viewpoints / 3
R726 .E794 1989 Euthanasia : the moral issues / 2
R726 .E85 2022 Ethical challenges for healthcare practices at the end of life : interdisciplinary perspectives / 1
R726 .E97 1994 Euthanasia, clinical practice, and the law / 1
R726 .E97 2017 Euthanasia and assisted suicide : global views on choosing to end life / 1
R726 .E98 1969 Euthanasia and the right to death : the case for voluntary euthanasia / 1
R726 .E98 2022 "Euthanasie"-Verbrechen im besetzten Europa : zur Dimension des nationalsozialistischen Massenmords / 1
R726 .E984 1994 Euthanasia in the Netherlands : a model for Canada? / 1
R726 .F45 1998 In the arms of others : a cultural history of the right-to-die in America / 1
R726 .F55 2021eb To kill or not to kill euthanasia in a society with a cultural death wish / 1
R726 .F69 1999 Come lovely and soothing death : the right to die movement in the United States / 1
R726 .G35 1990 By trust betrayed : patients, physicians, and the license to kill in the Third Reich / 2
R726 .G56 2008eb Giving death a helping hand physician-assisted suicide and public policy. An international perspective / 1