Call Number (LC) Title Results
R855.5.G3 Private Equity und Venture Capital als Innovationsmotor in der Medizintechnikindustrie : qualitative und quantitative Branchenanalyse / 1
R855.5 .P52  
R855.5.U5 M36 2000eb Managed care and the evaluation and adoption of emerging medical technologies / 1
R855.5.U5 N3 1990 National priorities for the assessment of clinical conditions and medical technologies : report of a pilot study / 1
R855.5.U6 Healthcare digital transformation : how consumerism, technology and pandemic are accelerating the future /
Federal Influences on Biomedical Technology Innovation.
R855.5.U6 E44 1993eb Emerging issues in biomedical policy. 1
R855.5.U6 E44 1994 Medicine unbound : the human body and the limits of medical intervention / 1
R855.5.U6 G37 1994 Federal influences on biomedical technology innovation / 1
R855.5.U6I Assessing Medical Technologies. 1
R855.5.U6 I58 1985 Assessing medical technologies / 2
R855.5.U6 -- N38 1990eb National Priorities for the Assessment of Clinical Conditions and Medical Technologies : Report of a Pilot Study. 1
R855.5.U6 S48 1992 Setting priorities for health technology assessment : a model process / 1
R855.5.U6 S53 2000 Body/politics : studies in reproduction, production, and (re)construction / 1
R855.5.U6 T66 1995 Tools for evaluating health technologies : five background papers. 1
R856 3D bioprinting : principles and protocols /
Metabolic pathway engineering /
Advances in aggregation induced emission materials in biosensing and imaging for biomedical applications.
Phosphorus dendrimers in biology and nanomedicine : synthesis, characterization, and properties /
Biochemistry and biotechnology : research and development /
Robotic technologies in biomedical and healthcare engineering /
3D printing in medicine a practical guide for medical professionals /
Principles of biomedical engineering /
Contextual inquiry for medical device design /
Nanotechnology and human health
Introduction to clinical engineering /
Practical design applications of medical devices
Computational modeling in biomedical engineering and medical physics
Medical device technologies : a systems based overview using engineering standards /
Managing medical devices within a regulatory framework
3D printing in medicine
Organic transistor devices for in vitro electrophysiological applications /
Regenerative medicine -- from protocol to patient.
Biomechanics of Living Organs Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling.
Stimulation and recording electrodes for neural prostheses /
Visualization and simulation of complex flows in biomedical engineering /
Glucose monitoring devices : measuring blood glucose to manage and control diabetes /
Green biocomposites for biomedical engineering : design, properties, and applications /
Neural engineering techniques for autism spectrum disorder.
Electronic devices, circuits, and systems for biomedical applications Challenges and intelligent approach /
Innovations in biomedical engineering /
3d Printing in Medicine.
PHealth 2012.
Mass Spectrometry in Polymer Chemistry.
Plasma medical science /
In vivo reprogramming in regenerative medicine /
Metal-organic frameworks for biomedical applications /
Terahertz biomedical science & technology /
Paper-based medical diagnostic devices : as a part of bioanalysis-advanced materials, methods, and devices /
Biomedical translational research technologies for improving healthcare /
Nanoparticles in life sciences and biomedicine
Biomaterials science and technology : fundamentals and developments /
Developing biomedical devices : design, innovation and protection /
Applied Biomechatronics Using Mathematical Models /
Advances in cardiovascular technology : new devices and concepts /
Frugal innovation in bioengineering for the detection of infectious diseases /
Engineering and medicine in extreme environments /
Plasma medicine
Medical device guidelines and regulations handbook /
Engineering-medicine : principles and applications of engineering in medicine /
Measuring the physiologic use conditions of medical devices /
Gold Nanoparticles in Biomedical Applications /
Planning, writing and reviewing medical device clinical and performance evaluation reports (CERs/PERs) : a practical guide for the European Union and other countries /
Nanoengineering in musculoskeletal regeneration
Biodiversity and biomedicine
Biomedical signal processing with artificial intelligence
Advanced circuits and systems for healthcare and security applications /
Fundamentals and advances in medical biotechnology /
Microfluidics and multi organs on chip
Class 1 devices : case studies in medical devices design /
Biomedical engineering applications for people with disabilities and the elderly in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Biomedical image synthesis and simulation methods and applications /
Microscale technologies for cell engineering /
Advances in biomedical engineering.
Implantable electronic medical devices /
Selected Topics in Biomedical Circuits and Systems.
Converging clinical and engineering research on neurorehabilitation III : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2018), October 16-20, 2018, Pisa, Italy /
Health design thinking : creating products and services for better health /
An introduction to biomedical instrumentation /
Foundations and Strategies for Medical Device Design /
Biomedical informatics
Bioengineering for Surgery : the Critical Engineer Surgeon Interface.
Modern practical healthcare issues in biomedical instrumentation
Data acquisition and processing in biology and medicine. proceedings of the 1964 Rochester Conference /
Computational models in biomedical engineering finite element models based on smeared physical fields : theory, solutions, and software /
Engineering biomaterials for neural applications /
Thermodynamics and biophysics of biomedical nanosystems : applications and practical considerations /
Whole body vibrations : physical and biological effects on the human body /
Circuits and systems for biomedical applications : UKCAS 2018 /
Implantable biomedical microsystems : design principles and applications /
Biomedical engineering : frontier research and converging technologies /
Wearable and implantable medical devices applications and challenges /
Converging clinical and engineering research on neurorehabilitation IV : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR2020), October 13-16, 2020 /
Innovations in biomedical engineering
New functional biomaterials for medicine and healthcare
Class 1 devices : Case studies in medical devices design /
Microsystems for Bioelectronics : Scaling and Performance Limits /
Implantable neuroprostheses for restoring function /
Medical devices : regulations, standards and practices /
Bioengineering for surgery : the critical engineer-surgeon interface /
Clinical engineering : from devices to systems /
Advances in motor neuroprostheses
Near infrared-emitting nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Biomedical product development : bench to bedside /
Best implementing career development activities for biomedical research trainees /
Energy efficiency of medical devices and healthcare applications
Measurement and analysis in transforming healthcare delivery.
Medical Device Design Innovation from Concept to Market /
Application of biomedical engineering in neuroscience
Wearable and implantable medical devices : applications and challenges /
Biomedical engineering and its applications in healthcare /
Cardiovascular engineering Technological Advancements, Reviews, and Applications /
Surface modification of biomaterials : methods, analysis and applications /
Genomics and proteomics for clinical discovery and development /
Medical biotechnology, biopharmaceutics, forensic science and bioinformatics /
Metallomics : the science of biometals /
Biophotonics for medical applications /
Medical devices for pharmacy and other healthcare professions /
Biomedical image analysis /
Feature engineering and computational intelligence in ECG monitoring
Humans and devices in medical contexts case studies from Japan /
Amperometric and impedance monitoring systems for biomedical applications /
Innovations in biomedical engineering 2023 /
Circuits, Signals and Systems for Bioengineers A MATLAB-Based Introduction /
Sub-THz sensing technology for biomedical applications /
Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling and Reverse Engineering : From Biological Models to 3D Bioprinters /
Digital design and manufacturing of medical devices and systems /
Spin-While-Burn The New Approach for Tiny Medical Device Fabrication /
Surgical tools and medical devices /
Nanomaterials for biomedical and bioengineering applications /
Adhesives in biomedical applications /
Continuum modeling in mechanobiology
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING imaging systems, electric devices, and medical materials.
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical signals, imaging, and informatics
Biomedical applications of microfluidic devices /
Medical device regulatory practices : an international perspective /
Medical modeling : the application of advanced design and additive manufacturing techniques in medicine /
Medical additive manufacturing : concepts and fundamentals /
Force and position control of mechatronic systems : design and applications in medical devices /
Cardiovascular 3D printing techniques and clinical application /
Virtual prototyping & bio manufacturing in medical applications
Medical Regulatory Affairs : an International Handbook for Medical Devices and Healthcare Products.
Biomedical signal processing for healthcare applications /
Advanced micro- and nano-manufacturing technologies : applications in biochemical and biomedical engineering /
Design and simulation in biomedical mechanics
Cybersecurity for connected medical devices /
Development and Application of Biomedical Titanium Alloys.
Clinical Engineering Handbook.
Smart systems for E-health : WBAN technologies, security and applications /
Selected topics in biomedical circuits and systems /
Biomedical engineering design /
Introduction to biomedical instrumentation and its applications
Experimental methods in biomechanics /
Advances in bio-mechanical systems and materials /
Feedback control for personalized medicine
Design of artificial human joints & organs /
Micro/nanofluidics and lab-on-chip based emergeing technologies for biomedical and translation research applications.
Micro/nanofluidics and lab-on-chip based emerging technologies for biomedical and translational.
Engineering open-source medical devices : a reliable approach for safe, sustainable and accessible healthcare /
Medical devices : improving health care through a multidisciplinary approach /
Textbook of good clinical practice in cold plasma therapy
Engineering in medicine : advances and challenges /
Cell assembly with 3D bioprinting /
Biomedical engineering : materials, technology, and applications /
3D printing in medicine : a practical guide for medical professionals /
Pocket Essential Medical Equipment.
Stages of Engineering a (Really) New Microbicidal Medical Device.
Soft computing and medical bioinformatics /
Bioengineered nanomaterials for wound healing and infection control /
Biotechnological applications in human health
Biomedical devices : materials, design, and manufacturing /
Bioelectronics and medical devices : from materials to devices -- fabrication, applications and reliability /
Applied human factors in medical device design /
Trends in development of medical devices
Nanocontainers : State of the Art.
Control applications for biomedical engineering systems /
Carbon and graphene quantum dots for biomedical applications /
A novel intrabody communication transceiver for biomedical applications /
Design innovation for health and medicine
Inclusive design of a smart device for people with Parkinson's disease /
Engineering of biomaterials for drug delivery systems : beyond polyethylene glycol /
Significant and nonsignificant risk medical devices /
Journal of biomedical materials research
R856-857 Healthcare Research and Related Technologies Proceedings of NERC 2022.
Medical Progress through Technology : Medical engineering in Japan Research and development /
Biomechanics : Functional Adaptation and Remodeling /
Biomaterials, Medical Devices and Tissue Engineering: An Integrated Approach /
Body Sensors and Electrocardiography /
Neurological Control Systems : Studies in Bioengineering /
Biocompatibility of Co-Cr-Ni Alloys /
Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine /
Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints : Volume I /
Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering : Proceedings of the World Congress for Chinese Biomedical Engineers /
Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint /
Immobilized Biochemicals and Affinity Chromatography /
NMR: Principles and Applications to Biomedical Research /
Biomedical Engineering Principles in Sports /
Cardiovascular Biomaterials /
Monoclonal Antibodies and Functional Cell Lines : Progress and Applications /
Lasers in Biology and Medicine /
Advanced Methods of Physiological System Modeling : Volume 2 /
6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering MBEC 2014, 7-11 September 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia /
Biofluid Mechanics · 2 /
Advanced robotics for medical rehabilitation : current state of the art and recent advances /
Physiology for engineers : applying engineering methods to physiological systems /
Mechanics of Hearing : Proceedings of the IUTAM/ICA Symposium held at Delft University of Technology The Netherlands 13-15 July 1983 /
Biomaterials : an Introduction /
Eukaryotic Cell Cultures : Basics and Applications /
Electrotherapy of the Heart : Technical Aspects in Cardiac Pacing /
Recent Developments in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Medicine : Volume 2 /
Recent Developments in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Medicine : Volume 1 /
Biomaterials : Proceedings of a Workshop on the Status of Research and Training in Biomaterials held at the University of Illinois at the Medical Center and at the Chicago Circle, April 5-6, 1968 /
Biomechanics : Proceeding of the First Rock Island Arsenal Biomechanics Symposium April 5-6, 1967 /
Laser Applications in Medicine and Biology : Volume 3 /
Medical Imaging Techniques : a Comparison /
Gas Chromatography of Steroids in Biological Fluids : Proceedings of the Workshop on Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Steroids in Biological Fluids /
Synchrotron Radiation in Structural Biology /
Real-Time Medical Image Processing
Biological Nanostructures and Applications of Nanostructures in Biology Electrical, Mechanical, and Optical Properties /
PDE and Level Sets: Algorithmic Approaches to Static and Motion Imagery /
Perspectives in Biomedical Engineering Proceedings of a Symposium organised in association with the Biological Engineering Society and held in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 1972 /
The Human Locomotor System Physiological and Technological Foundations.
Computerized Systems for Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19
Advancing Sports and Exercise Via Innovation Proceedings of the 9th Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress (ASPASP) 2022, Kuching, Malaysia.
Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering
Applications of Biotechnology in Forestry and Horticulture /
Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Nonionizing Radiation /
Laser Applications in Medicine and Biology : Volume 1 /
Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine : Volume 3 /
Microvascular Mechanics : Hemodynamics of Systemic and Pulmonary Microcirculation /
Respiratory Biomechanics : Engineering Analysis of Structure and Function /
Modern Aspects of Protein Adsorption on Biomaterials /
Evaluation and Installation of Surgical Laser Systems /
Biomaterials Science and Engineering /
Scientific Aids in Hospital Diagnosis /
Pathogenesis of Wound and Biomaterial-Associated Infections /
Immobilized Enzyme Technology Research and Applications /
Biomechanics: Current Interdisciplinary Research : Selected proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics in collaboration with the European Society of Biomaterials, September 24-26, 1984, Davos, Switzerland /
Brain and human body modeling : computational human modeling at EMBC 2018 /
Trauma Biomechanics : Introduction to Accidental Injury /
Basic Biology of New Developments in Biotechnology
Genetic Engineering of Microorganisms for Chemicals /
Biological Effects and Health Implications of Radiofrequency Radiation /
Current Topics in Biomedical Research /
Biomedical Aspects of Drug Targeting /
Biomechanics of Cell Division /
Biomechanics: Basic and Applied Research : Selected Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics, September 8-10, 1986, Berlin, F.R.G. /
The Reference Materials of the European Communities : Results of Hemocompatibility Tests /
Biomechanics: Principles and Applications : Selected Proceedings of the 3rd General Meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 21-23 January 1982 /
Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine
Bioelectricity : a Quantitative Approach /
Anthropometry and Biomechanics : Theory and Application /
Microfluidics and BioMEMS Applications /
An Introduction to Microscopy by Means of Light, Electrons, X-Rays, or Ultrasound /
Pulmonary Function Indices in Critical Care Patients /
Cognitive Supervision for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Laser Surgery
Dynamic Modeling of Musculoskeletal Motion : a Vectorized Approach for Biomechanical Analysis in Three Dimensions /
R856.A1 Neuromorphic olfaction /
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering.
Neuromorphic olfaction
Current directions in biomedical engineering
Biomedical engineering and computational biology
Annual review of biomedical engineering
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica
IEEE open journal of engineering in medicine and biology
R856.A1 A29 Advances in bioengineering. 1
R856.A1 A3 1971 Advances in biomedical engineering. 1
R856.A1 A3 2013eb Advances in biomedical engineering. 1