Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA393 .R58 1984 The health planning predicament : France, Québec, England, and the United States / 1
RA393 .R593 1991eb National health systems of the world. 1
RA393 .R87 Blueprint for medical care /
Blueprint for medical care
RA393 .S2813 1984 The end of an illusion : the future of health policy in Western industrialized nations / 1
RA393 .S33 2007eb Scaling up health service delivery : from pilot innovations to policies and programmes / 1
RA393 .S473 2014eb Introduction to health policy / 2
RA393 .S476 2020 Project management for healthcare / 3
RA393 .S56 Principles of community health / 1
RA393 .S56 1972 Principles of community health 1
RA393 .S63 2008eb Analysis of waiting-time data in health services research 1
RA393 .S63 2009 Social sources of disparities in health and health care and linkages to policy, population concerns, and providers of care / 1
RA393 .T35 2012eb Health equity, social justice, and human rights / 1
RA393 .U53 2019 Underserved and socially disadvantaged groups and linkages with health and health care differentials / 2
RA393 .V57 2018 Intelligent health policy : theory, concept and practice / 1
RA393 .V644 2018 Who knew? : inside the complexity of American health care / 1
RA393 .W384 2012 Better health in harder times Active citizens and innovation on the frontline. 1
RA393 .W55 2017 Keeping the control group controllable lessons on implementation from a translation study / 1
RA393 .W65 2019 The dynamics of care maintaining patient treatment flows for an increasing older population / 1
RA393 .W67 1979 Formulating strategies for health for all by the year 2000 : guiding principles and essential issues : document of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization. 2
RA393 .Z355 2012eb Základní pojmy praktického a posudkového lékařství / 1