Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA395.A3 S823 2013eb Grassroots advocacy and health care reform the HCAN campaign in Pennsylvania / 1
RA395.A3 S86 1985 Strategic financial planning / 1
RA395.A3 S87 1994 Economic effects of health reform / 1
RA395.A3 S94 2021 Disorder : A History of Reform, Reaction, and Money in American Medicine.
Disorder : A History of Reform, Reaction, and Money in American Medicine /
RA395.A3 T3 Health care facilities : the community bridge to effective health services; report. 1
RA395.A3 T45 2019 Essentials of health policy and law / 1
RA395.A3 T46 Health policy and the bureaucracy : politics and implementation / 2
RA395.A3 T46 1983 Health policy and the bureaucracy : politics and implementation / 1
RA395.A3 T85 2012eb Insourced : how importing jobs impacts the healthcare crisis here and abroad /
Insourced how importing jobs impacts the healthcare crisis here and abroad /
RA395.A3 U23 1995 U.S. health policy groups : institutional profiles / 1
RA395.A3 U26 2012 United States health care policymaking ideological, social and cultural differences and major influences / 1
RA395.A3 U473 2016eb Understanding health inequalities and justice : new conversations across the disciplines / 1
RA395.A3 U48 2017eb Unequal coverage : the experience of health care reform in the United States / 1
RA395.A3 U48 2018 Unequal coverage : the experience of health care reform in the United States / 1
RA395.A3 U515 1994 Health care reform : proposals have potential to reduce administrative costs : report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1
RA395.A3 U515 1994b Medicare : technology assessment and medical coverage decisions : fact sheet for the Subcommittee on Technology, Environment, and Aviation, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives / 1
RA395.A3 U516b Budget and legislative program. 1
RA395.A3 U518a Annual report - National Council on Health Planning and Development. 1
RA395.A3 U53 2016 Understanding health inequalities and justice : new conversations across the disciplines / 1
RA395.A3 U54 1972 Scientific and educational basis for improving health : report. 1