Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA395.C53 Y58 2016eb Health policy and disease in colonial and Post-colonial Hong Kong, 1841-2003 / 1
RA395.C53 .Z466 2018 Reforming China's Healthcare System. 1
RA395.C6 The effects of social health insurance reform on people's out-of-pocket health expenditure in China : the mediating role of the institutional arrangement /
The globalization of China's health industry industrial policies, international networks and company choices /
Cancer intersections : biomedicine, health insurance, and the paradoxes of health care reform in neoliberal Colombia /
Cancer Intersections : Biomedicine, Health Insurance, and the Paradoxes of Health Care Reform in Neoliberal Colombia /
RA395.C6 A2 date Colorado action for healthy people exchange / 1
RA395.C6 F36 2018 The Chinese health system in transition / 1
RA395.C6 H36 2010eb The problems of China's health care system : reasons for this development and improvement suggestions / 1
RA395.C6 L36 1977 Robert Penn Warren, a reference guide / 1
RA395.C6 M37 2016eb Infectious change : reinventing Chinese public health after an epidemic / 1
RA395.C6 P524 2016 Guo zu, guo yi yu bing ren : jin dai Zhongguo de yi liao he shen ti / 1
RA395.C6 Z46 2020 The people's health : health intervention and delivery in Mao's China, 1949-1983 / 1
RA395.C7 Modelo de Integración de Servicios para el Sistema de Salud en Colombia 1
RA395.C7 A233 2022 Health in ruins : the capitalist destruction of medical care at a Colombian maternity hospital / 1
RA395.C7 ebook La salud en Colombia : logros, retos y recomendaciones /
Modelo de integración de servicios para el sistema de salud en Colombia /
Salud pública en Colombia : una mirada panóptica : antología /
Luchas por la salud en Colombia /
Mecanismos de pago en salud : anatomia, fisiologíay fisiopatología /
RA395.C7 V443 2010 Igualdad y diversidad un enfoque crítico de la justicia social en la salud /
Igualdad y diversidad : un enfoque crítico de la justicia social en la salud /
RA395.C9 Cuban health care : utopian dreams, fragile future / 1
RA395.C9 A433 1995 Cuba : la cultura de la salud : una conquista de la revolución / 1
RA395.C9 B76 2012 Revolutionary medicine : health and the body in post-Soviet Cuba / 1
RA395.C9 B76 2012eb Revolutionary medicine health and the body in post-Soviet Cuba / 1
RA395.C9 C798 2016 Cuba : the accidental revolution. 2
RA395.C9 F45 1993 Healing the masses : Cuban health politics at home and abroad / 1