Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA395.C53 The role of health care transformation for the Chinese dream powering economic growth, promoting a harmonious society /
Healthcare reform in China : from violence to digital healthcare /
Public health and the modernization of China, 1865-2015 /
Reforming China's healthcare system /
The political economy of health care development and reforms in Hong Kong
Commercialisation of Medical Care in China : Changing Landscapes.
Health care in the People's Republic of China : moving toward modernization /
China's healthcare system and reform /
An investigation report on large public hospital reforms in China /
Re-engineering affordable care policy in China : is marketization a solution? /
Rural health care delivery : modern China from the perspective of disease politics /
RA395.C53 B8 2017 Public health and the modernization of China, 1865-2015 / 1
RA395.C53C427 2010 China Engages Global Health Governance : Responsible Stakeholder or System-Transformer? 1
RA395.C53 C427 2011eb China engages global health governance : responsible stakeholder or system-transformer? / 1
RA395.C53 C46 2017 China's healthcare system and reform / 1
RA395.C53 D83 2011eb The Chinese state's retreat from health : policy and the politics of retrenchment / 2
RA395.C53 H436 2016 Health care transition in urban China / 1
RA395.C53 K78 2022 The Healthy Socialist Life in Maoist China, 1949-1980. 1
RA395.C53 L35 Health, conflict, and the Chinese political system / 1
RA395.C53 L36 The politics of medicine in China : the policy process, 1949-1977 / 1
RA395.C53 L36 2019 Politics of medicine in China : the policy process 1949-1977. 1
RA395.C53 L43 2024 Public policy and health care in China : the case of public insurance / 1
RA395.C53 M3 2008 A comparison of the health systems in China and India / 2
RA395.C53 M3 2008eb A comparison of the health systems in China and India 1
RA395.C53 M38 2014 The role of health care transformation for the Chinese dream : powering economic growth, promoting a harmonious society / 1
RA395.C53 P45 2014 Philanthropy for health in China / 2
RA395.C53 S54 2021 A theoretical analysis, performance evaluation, and reform solution of the health care system in China / 1
RA395.C53 W36 2007 WTO, globalization and China's health care system / 2
RA395.C53 W66 2006 China's urban health care reform : from state protection to individual responsibility / 1
RA395.C53 Y57 1995 Health and national reconstruction in Nationalist China : the development of modern health services, 1928-1937 / 2