Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA395.C9 Cuban health care : utopian dreams, fragile future / 1
RA395.C9 A433 1995 Cuba : la cultura de la salud : una conquista de la revolución / 1
RA395.C9 B76 2012 Revolutionary medicine : health and the body in post-Soviet Cuba / 1
RA395.C9 B76 2012eb Revolutionary medicine health and the body in post-Soviet Cuba / 1
RA395.C9 C798 2016 Cuba : the accidental revolution. 2
RA395.C9 F45 1993 Healing the masses : Cuban health politics at home and abroad / 1
RA395.C9 H57 2017 Health, politics, and revolution in Cuba since 1898 / 1
RA395.C9 R63 2020eb The right to live in health medical politics in postindependence Havana / 2
RA395.D44 Towards Universal Health Care in Emerging Economies : Opportunities and Challenges /
Healthcare strategies and planning for social inclusion and development.
Healthcare strategies and planning for social inclusion and development. challenges and opportunities in healthcare management /
RA395.D44 A75 2009eb Aplicación del pensamiento sistémico : al fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud / 1
RA395.D44 C66 2009eb Comparative studies and the politics of modern medical care / 3
RA395.D44 F54 2008 Fighting the diseases of poverty / 2
RA395.D44 F54 2017 Fighting the Diseases of Poverty. 1
RA395.D44 G48 2004eb Getting health reform right : a guide to improving performance and equity / 1
RA395.D44 G66 2008 Good practices in health financing : lessons from reforms in low and middle-income countries / 1
RA395.D44 H46 1995 Health sector reform in developing countries : making health development sustainable / 1
RA395.D44 N34 2007  
RA395.D44 N34 2007eb Establishing private health care facilities in developing countries : a guide for medical entrepreneurs /
Establishing private health care facilities in developing countries a guide for medical entrepreneurs /
RA395.D44 R39 2016eb The Affordable Care Act : examining the facts / 1
RA395.D44S34 2008eb Safeguarding the health sector in times of macroeconomic instability policy lessons for low- and middle-income countries / 1