Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RA409.5 .S7 | Computers in biomedical research / | 1 |
RA409.5 .S73 | Computers and the life sciences / | 1 |
RA409.5 .S94 1968 | Proceedings of the Symposium on Computers in Medicine held at the Blackburn College of Technology and Design in February 1968 in co-operation with the Institution of Computer Sciences / | 1 |
RA410 |
The 2000-2005 world outlook for health care services. Health financing policy : the macroeconomic, fiscal, and public finance context / Sustainable development for the healthcare industry : reprogramming the healthcare value chain / Fixing Medical Prices. Taking Improvement from the Assembly Line to Healthcare The Application of Lean Within the Healthcare Industry. Health economics from theory to practice : optimally informing joint decisions of research, reimbursement and regulation with health system budget constraints and community objectives / Patient care under uncertainty / The economics of artificial intelligence : health care challenges / Principles in health economics and policy / Quantitative models in life science business : from value creation to business processes / Healthcare affordability : motivate people, improve processes, and increase performance / ISSUES IN THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF HEALTH CARE. Current Issues in Health Economics. Health econometrics / Economics of the Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities (The) : a Resource Book. The microeconomics of wellbeing and sustainability : recasting the economic process / Human capital and health behavior / The economics of health equity / Preference measurement in health / Explaining long-term trends in health and longevity / Evaluating investments in health care systems : health technology assessment / The economics of health / Health technology assessment in Japan : policy, pharmacoeconomic methods and guidelines, value, and beyond / Healthcare affordability motivate people, improve processes, and increase performance / Health economics / Health and prosperity : efficient health systems for thriving nations in the 21st century / The Affordable Care Act and Health Insurance Markets : Simulating the Effects of Regulation. Arzneimittel-Kompass 2021 Hochpreisige Arzneimittel - Herausforderung und Perspektiven. |
32 |
RA410-410.9 |
Governing Knowledge-Processes / Medical Decision Making : a Health Economic Primer / Novel psychoactive substances : Policy, economics and drug regulation / Care at the End of Life an Economic Perspective / KOSTEN DER HUBSCHRAUBERGESTUTZTEN NOTFALLVERSORGUNG innovationsbasierte... szenarioanalyse und empfehlungen zur gestaltung vo. |
5 |
RA410.A1 C54 | Hospital charges for people age 65 and over : a report on ... hospital charges for 50 most common reasons for hospitalizing patients age 65 and over. / | 1 |
RA410.A1 C542 | Hospital charges for people under age 65 : a report on ... hospital charges for 50 most common reasons for hospitalizing patients under the age 65 / | 1 |
RA410.A1 C58 1968 | Empirical studies in health economics : proceedings / | 1 |
RA410.A1 C6 1973 |
The economics of health and medical care; proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Tokyo. The economics of health and medical care : proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Tokyo / |
2 |
RA410.A1 .H385 | Health economics. | 1 |
RA410.A1 H42 | Health policy studies. | 1 |
RA410.A1 H434i | Health economics policy and law | 1 |
RA410.A1 R47 |
Advances in health economics and health services research. Research in health economics. |
2 |
RA410.A1 T66 |
Topics in health care financing. Journal of health care finance. |
2 |
RA410.A1 T66 vol. 1, no. 1 RA971.3 | Financial management : an overview / | 1 |
RA410.A1 T66 vol. 6, no. 2 RA971.6 | Uniform reporting / | 1 |
RA410.A2 |
Qualitaetsorientierte Verguetungssysteme in der ambulanten und stationaeren Behandlung. Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen: Chancen und Grenzen 11. Bad Orber Gespraeche- 16.-18. November 2006. Controlling costs : strategic issues in health care management / |
3 |
RA410.A2 E23 1982 | Economic aspects of health / | 1 |
RA410.A2E23 1982 RA410.A2E2 | Economic Aspects of Health. | 1 |
RA410.A2 H46 1991 | Health economics worldwide / | 1 |