Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2008i |
Medicare and Medicaid CMS and state efforts to interact with the Indian Health Service and Indian tribes : report to the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate. Indian Health Service mismanagement led to millions of dollars in lost or stolen property and wasteful spending : testimony before the Committee on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate / Indian Health Service IHS mismanagement led to millions of dollars in lost or stolen property : report to Congressional requesters / |
3 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2009i |
Indian Health Service millions of dollars in property and equipment continue to be lost or stolen : report to Congressional requesters / Indian Health Service updated policies and procedures and increased oversight needed for billings and collections from private insurers / |
2 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2011i |
Indian Health Service increased oversight needed to ensure accuracy of data used for estimating contract health service need : report to Congressional requesters / Indian Health Service continued efforts needed to help strengthen response to sexual assaults and domestic violence : report to Congressional committees / |
2 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2012i | Indian Health Service action needed to ensure equitable allocation of resources for the Contract Health Service Program : report to congressional addressees / | 1 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2013i |
VA and IHS further action needed to collaborate on providing health care to Native American veterans : report to congressional requesters / Indian Health Service most American Indians and Alaska Natives potentially eligible for expanded health coverage, but action needed to increase enrollment : report to congressional addresses / Indian Health Service capping payment rates for nonhospital services could save millions of dollars for contract health services : report to congressional addressees / Indian Health Service opportunities may exist to improve the contract health services program : report to congressional addressees / |
4 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2014i | Health care access improved oversight, accountability, and prioritization can improve access for Native American veterans : report to congressional requesters / | 1 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2016i | Indian Health Service actions needed to improve oversight of patient wait times : report to the Committee on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate / | 1 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2017i | Indian Health Service actions needed to improve oversight of quality of care : report to Congressional requesters / | 1 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2018i |
Indian Health Service considerations related to providing advance appropriation authority : report to Congressional committees / Indian Health Service agency faces ongoing challenges filling provider vacancies : report to Congressional requesters / Indian Health Service spending levels and characteristics of IHS and three other federal health care programs / |
3 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2019i |
VA and Indian Health Service actions needed to strengthen oversight and coordination of health care for American Indian and Alaska Native veterans : report to the ranking member, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives / Indian Health Service facilities reported expanding services following increases in health insurance coverage and collections : report to Congressional requesters / |
2 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2021i | COVID-19 contracting: Indian Health Service used flexibilities to meet increased medical supply needs report to Congressional requestors / | 1 |
RA448.5.I5 U554 2023i | Indian Health Service: many federal facilities are in fair or poor condition and better data are needed on medical equipment report to Congressional requesters / | 1 |
RA448.5.I5 V47 2001 | Killing us quietly : Native Americans and HIV/AIDS / | 2 |
RA448.5.M4 C55 | Health in the Mexican-American culture : a community study. | 1 |
RA448.5.M4 C55 1970 | Health in the Mexican-American culture : a community study. | 1 |
RA448.5.M4 F37 | La vida Chicana : health care attitudes and behaviors of Houston Chicanos / | 1 |
RA448.5.M4 G65 2016 | Conquering sickness : race, health, and colonization in the Texas borderlands / | 2 |
RA448.5.M4 R45 2006 | Immigration, acculturation, and health : the Mexican diaspora / | 1 |
RA448.5.M4 R45 2006eb | Immigration, acculturation, and health : the Mexican diaspora / | 1 |
RA448.5.M4 R66 | Disease beliefs in Mexican-American communities / | 1 |