Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RA644.P7 H47 1625 | Certaine rules, directions, or aduertisments for this time of pestilentiall contagion: with a caueat to those that weare about their neckes impoisoned amulets as a preseruatiue from the plague: / | 1 |
Henoch Clapham his demaundes and answeres touching the pestilence methodically handled, as his time and meanes could permit. The countrie ague, or, London her vvelcome home to her retired children Together, with a true relation of the warlike funerall of Captaine Richard Robyns, one of the twentie captaines of the trayned bands of the citie of London ... / [An homelye to be read in the tyme of pestylence] |
3 |
RA644.P7 J33 1485 | Here begynneth a litil boke the whiche traytied and reherced many gode thinges necessaries for the infirmite & grete sekenesse called pestilence the whiche often times enfecteth vs / | 1 |
RA644.P7 J55 2018 | An urban history of the plague : socio-economic, political and medical impacts in a Scottish community, 1500-1650 / | 1 |
RA644.P7 P38 2017 | Plague and contagion in the Islamic Mediterranean / | 1 |
RA644.P7 P385 2018 | Plague and the city / | 1 |
RA644.P7 P385 2018eb | Plague and the city / | 1 |
RA644.P7 P39 2007 | Plague and the end of antiquity : the pandemic of 541-750 / | 2 |
RA644.P7 P53 2021 | Plague image and imagination from medieval to modern times / | 1 |
RA644.P7 S53 2012 | Plague : a very short introduction / | 1 |
RA644.P7 S65 1985 | The impact of plague in Tudor and Stuart England / | 1 |
RA644.P7 V37 2017eb | Plague and contagion in the Islamic Mediterranean / | 1 |
RA644.P9 |
The politics of polio in northern Nigeria / Polio wars : Sister Kenny and the golden age of American medicine / |
2 |
RA644.P9 C43 2008 | The vital drop : communication for polio eradication in India / | 1 |
RA644.P9 C66 2010eb | Chasing polio in Pakistan why the world's largest public health initiative may fail / | 1 |
RA644.P9 F56 2008 DVD | The final inch / | 1 |
RA644.P9 M39 2016 |
Selling science polio and the promise of gamma globulin / Selling science : polio and the promise of gamma globulin / |
2 |
RA644.P9 R46 2010eb | The politics of polio in northern Nigeria / | 1 |
RA644.P9 R64 1992 | Dirt and disease : polio before FDR / | 1 |
RA644.P9 R64 1992eb | Dirt and disease : polio before FDR / | 1 |