Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA780 .H69 1995 Chasing dirt : the American pursuit of cleanliness / 2
RA780 (INTERNET) Via recta ad vitam longam, or, A plaine philosophical discourse of the nature, faculties, and effects, of all such things, as by way of nourishments, and dieteticall obseruations, make for the preseruation of health with their iust applications vnto euery age, constitution of bodie, and time of yeare : wherein also, by way of introduction, the nature and choice of habitable places, with the true vse of our famous bathes of Bathe is perspicuously demonstrated / 1
RA780 .M68 1500x [This is the glasse of helth], [a great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull for euery person to soke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from the sycnesses & dysseases. And it sheweth howe the planettes reygne euery houre of the daye & and the nyght, with the natures & exposycyons of [the] .vii. sygnes, deuyded by the .vii. monthes of the yere, and after foloweth of all [the] euyll & daungerrous dayes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for dyuers infyrmytes & dyseases, [that] hurteth the body of man] 1
RA780 .W37 2019 The clean body : a modern history / 1
RA780.5 The complete idiot's guide to massage / 1
RA780.5 .F36 1997eb Chinese self-massage therapy = [Chung-kuo tzu wo tùi na liao fa] : the easy way to health / 1
RA780.5 .I54 1980 The new massage : total body conditioning for people who exercise / 2
RA780.5 .L44 2016eb El ABC del masaje. 1
RA780.5 .L48 1999eb The bodywork and massage sourcebook / 1
RA780.5 .P337 2016eb El masaje. 1
RA781 Exercise in the female life-cycle in Britain, 1930-1970 /
The Well Tuned Body : Banish Back Pain With Gentle Exercises Based on the Alexander Technique.
The objective monitoring of physical activity contributions of accelerometry to epidemiology, exercise science and rehabilitation /
Exercise in space : a holistic approach for the benefit of human health on Earth /
Exercise for aging adults : a guide for practitioners /
Proceedings of the 6th Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sports Science (YISHPESS 2023)
Get fit with Apple watch : using the Apple watch for health and fitness /
Apple Watch and iPhone fitness tips and tricks /
Epigenetics of exercise and sports concepts, methods, and current research /
Physical activity in disease prevention and treatment /
Behavioural sports economics : a research companion /
Physical Activity and Health in the Elderly.
10 ways to exercise /
Hormonal and metabolic adaptation to exercise /
Fitness a New Lifestyle : Tips and advices.
Fitness for geeks : real science, great nutrition, and good health /
Sixty-plus and fit again.
Vida activa, ejercicio y salud
No sweat : how the simple science of motivation can bring you a lifetime of fitness /
Physical activity, exercise, sedentary behavior and health /
Physical fitness and health promotion in active aging /
The role of sport in health-related promotion of physical activity : the perspective of the health system /
The science of fitness power, performance, and endurance /
Physical exercise for human health
Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice.
COUCH POTATO'S GUIDE TO GETTING FIT : simple exercises to get in shape.
Body composition : health and performance in exercise and sport /
Archives of exercise in health and disease
RA781 A188 2020 Actividad física para la salud : programa de gimnasia laboral / 1
RA781 .A194 2011eb Complete guide to fitness & health 1
RA781 .A252 2007 Adequacy of evidence for physical activity guidelines development : workshop summary / 1
RA781 .A32 1994 Advances in exercise adherence / 1
RA781 .A33 2007 Adequacy of evidence for physical activity guidelines development : workshop summary / 1
RA781 .A33 2007eb Adequacy of evidence for physical activity guidelines development : workshop summary / 1
RA781 .A56 1993 Fitness for life : an individualized approach / 2
RA781 .A563 2002 The everything Pilates book : the ultimate guide to making your body stronger, leaner, and healthier /
The everything Pilates book : the ultimate guide to making your body stronger, leaner and healthier /
RA781 .A564 1983 Surviving exercise : Judy Alter's safe and sane exercise program / 1