Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA850.B3 M36 Cl. vir Joannis Maplet, M.D. Epistolarum medicarum specimen de themarum bathoniensium effectis ad clarissimos medicos D.D. Bate, Prujean, Fraser, Wedderburne, Quatreman, Tymme, Needham, aliosque melioris notæ medicos Londini rurique praxin exercentes / 2
RA850.B3 S67 2014eb A practical treatise on the Bath waters, tending to illustrate their beneficial effects in chronic diseases : containing, likewise, a brief account of the city of Bath, and of the hot springs / 1
RA850.C35 (INTERNET) Callirhoe, the nymph of Aberdene 1
RA850.D8 E8 Spadacrene Dunelmensis, or, A short treatise of an ancient medicinal fountain or vitrioline spaw near the city of Durham together with the constituent principles, virtues and use thereof / 2
RA850.S22 W57 Scarbroughs spagyrical anatomizer dissected, or, An answer to all that Dr. Tonstal hath objected in his book against Scarbrough spaw the innocency and excellency of that spaw is further asserted 1. Concerning the rise and growth of the art of physick, 2. Touching the causes of the petrifying property that is in some springs, and more especially that of the dropping well at Knaresbrough, 3. About the signs, symptomes and cures of diseases : as also reflections upon a late piece, called A vindication of hydrologia chymica /
Scarbroughs spagyrical anatomizer dissected, or, An answer to all that Dr. Tonstal hath objected in his book against Scarbrough spaw the innocency and excellency of that spaw is further asserted 1. Concerning the rise and growth of the art of physick, 2. Touching the causes of the petrifying property that is in some springs, and more especially that of the dropping well at Knaresbrough, 3. About the signs, symptomes and cures of diseases : as also reflections upon a late piece, called A vindication of hydrologia chymica /
RA850.Y67 F73 The York-shire spaw, or, A treatise of foure famous medicinal wells viz. the spaw, or vitrioline-well, the stinking, or sulphur-well, the dropping, or petrifying-well, and S. Mugnus-well, near Knare borow in York-shire : together with the causes, vertues and use thereof : for farther information read the contents / 1
RA852 Quantitative health research : issues and methods / 1
RA852.A23 M87 1636 Pidax Petreia, or, The disc[ov]erie of S. Peters well, [a]t Peter-head, in Scotland being in latitude 57.d.43.m. and in longitude 22.d.40.m. : shewing the admirable vertues thereof, against many deplorable diseases / 1
RA856 .U6 Prototype hospital : fallout protected / 1
RA856.4 CMOS integrated lab-on-a-chip system for personalized biomedical diagnosis / 2
RA857 .I58 2009eb Advances in bioceramics and porous ceramics II : a collection of papers presented at the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 18-23, 2009, Daytona Beach, Florida /
Advances in bioceramics and porous ceramics II a collection of papers presented at the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 18-23, 2009, Daytona Beach, Florida /
RA857.M3 I52 2008eb Advances in bioceramics and porous ceramics a collection of papers presented at the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008, Daytona Beach, Florida / 1
RA858.K2 M5 Carlsbad and its environs / 1
RA863 .P46 2005 Histoire du thermalisme en France au XIXe siècle : eau, médecine et loisirs / 1
RA863.5 .D83 Observations on the mineral waters of France made in the Royal Academy of the Sciences / 2
RA865 Internationaler Medizintourismus in Deutschland : Patienten aus den USA im deutschen Krankenhaussektor - Eine aktuelle Marktanalyse / 1
RA865.5 .F84 1992 Mondäne Orte einer vornehmen Gesellschaft : Kultur und Geschichte der Kurstädte 1700-1900 / 1
RA865.5 R888 1936 Die Frequenz 12 deutscher Heilbäder im wandel der Konjunktur .. / 1
RA872.P69 M33 2003 Il De balneis Puteolanis di Pietro da Eboli : realtà e simbolo nella tradizione figurata / 1
RA877 Mapping Russia's natural focal diseases : history and contemporary approaches / 1