Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA971.3 .P73 1987 Pricing hospital services / 1
RA971.3 .P74 2018 Financing universal access to healthcare : a comparative review of landmark legislative health reforms in the OECD / 1
RA971.3 P76 1987 Product costing / 1
RA971.3 .P77 Prospective rate setting / 1
RA971.3 .R4 The revenue of Greenwich Hosp[ita]ll from the 6 d month from Seamen's wages, has not raised, one year with another, above 12,000£ 1
RA971.3 .R45 2021 Gapenski's healthcare finance : an introduction to accounting and financial management / 1
RA971.3 .R54 1985 Market-based demand forecasting for hospital inpatient services / 1
RA971.3 .R58 Risk management. 1
RA971.3 .R58 1983 Risk management / 1
RA971.3 R677 2018 A Comprehensive Guide to Budgeting for Health Care Managers. 1
RA971.3 .S254 2012 Strategische Finanzierungsberatung für den Mittelstand : Wettbewerbsvorteile dank optimierter Finanzierung. 1
RA971.3 .S45 1990 Cash and investment management for the health care industry / 1
RA971.3 S478 2019 Service Design and Service Thinking in Healthcare and Hospital Management / 1
RA971.3 .S54 2000 Analysis of hospital costs : a manual for managers / 1
RA971.3 .S55 Financial management of health institutions / 1
RA971.3 .S76 2016 Optimizing Your Capacity to Care 1
RA971.3 .T35 1988 Tax management for exempt providers / 1
RA971.3 .T39 1985 Tax management for exempt providers / 1
RA971.3 .T68 2021 Comparative health systems : a new framework / 1
RA971.3 .U55 1991i District of Columbia Mental Health Program Assistance Act of 1994 P.L. 102-150, 105 Stat. 980, October 31, 1991. 1