Call Number (LC) Title Results
RB155 .T736 2016eb Translational Cardiometabolic Genomic Medicine / 1
RB155 .T74 1996 The troubled helix : social and psychological implications of the new human genetics /
The Troubled Helix : Social and Psychological Implications of the New Human Genetics /
RB155 .V53 2012 Victor McKusick and the development of medical genetics 1
RB155 .W33 1985 The new genetics and clinical practice / 1
RB155 .W35 1993 Genetic variation and human disease : principles and evolutionary approaches / 2
RB155 .W48 Family skeletons / 1
RB155 .W54 1991 Exons, introns, and talking genes : the science behind the Human Genome Project / 1
RB155 .W75 2007  
RB155 .Y685 2006 Designer evolution : a transhumanist manifesto / 1
RB155 .Z54 2010 A statistical approach to genetic epidemiology / 1
RB155 ebook Genética humana : fundamentos para el estudio de los efectos sociales derivados de los avances en genética humana : monografías / 1
RB155.5 Chimeric RNA : methods and protocols /
Transports of Delight : an Aromatic Journey in Verse from East to West on the Wings of Perfume.
Jews and Genes : the Genetic Future in Contemporary Jewish Thought.
Uniparental disomy (UPD) in clinical genetics : a guide for clinicians and patients /
Mobilizing mutations : human genetics in the age of patient advocacy /
Epstein's inborn errors of development : the molecular basis of clinical disorders of morphogenesis /
Genomics of rare diseases understanding rare disease genetics /
The power of the gene : the origin and impact of genetic disorders /
Analysis of triplet repeat disorders /
Clinical trials of genetic therapy with antisense DNA and DNA vectors /
A probabilistic model of the genotype/phenotype relationship : does life play the dice? /
Alagille Syndrome : Pathogenesis and Clinical Management /
Mitochondria as targets for phytochemicals in cancer prevention and therapy
Chimerism : a clinical guide /
Signs and symptoms of genetic conditions : a handbook /
The chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment /
NF-[kappa]B-related genetic diseases /
Nonsense mutation correction in human diseases : an approach for targeted medicine /
Von Hippel-Lindau disease : a comprehensive guide to diagnosis, treatment, and management /
Rare genetic disorders advancements in diagnosis and treatment /
Chimera research : methods and protocols /
The genetics of African populations in health and disease /
Familial chylomicronemia syndrome : raising awareness of a rare genetic disease /
Genetic Privacy : an Evaluation of the Ethical and Legal Landscape /
Un nuevo reto para los derechos fundamentales.
Critrios clínicos de enfermedades genéticas
Noonan Syndrome : characteristics and interventions /
Epigenetics and Dermatology.
RB155.5 .A4 2009 Congenital diseases and syndromes an illustrated radiological guide / 1
RB155.5 .A48 2006eb Alternative splicing and disease 1
RB155.5 .A53 2010 Analysis of complex disease association studies : a practical guide / 1
RB155.5 .A53 2011 Analysis of complex disease association studies a practical guide / 1
RB155.5 .B57 1990 Genome : the story of the most astonishing scientific adventure of our time--the attempt to map all the genes in the human body / 2
RB155.5 .B67 1980  
RB155.5 .B67 1989 Chromosomal variation in man : a catalog of chromosomal variants and anomalies / 1
RB155.5 .B67 1991 Chromosomal variation in man : a catalog of chromosomal variants and anomalies / 1