Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2002-24 The effects of practice and coaching on the Air Traffic Selection and Training test battery / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-2 A summary of flightdeck observer data from SafeFlight 21 OpEVAL-2 / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-3 Effectiveness of personal computers to meet recency of experience requirements / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-4 A human error analysis of general aviation controlled flight into terrain accidents occurring between 1990-1998 / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-6 Natural sunlight and its association to aviation accidents : frequency and prevention / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-7 Prevalence of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pilot fatalities of civil aviation accidents, 1990-2001 / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-8 Development of an empirically-based index of aircraft mix / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-9 Human factors associated with the certification of airplane passenger seats : life preserver retrieval / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-10 Examining hypoxia : a survey of pilots' experiences and perspectives on altitude training / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-11 The employee attitude survey 2000 : perspectives on its process and utility / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-12 The effects of laser illumination on operational and visual performance of pilots conducting terminal operations / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-13 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast/cockpit display of traffic information : pilot use of the approach spacing application / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-15 Access-to-egress II : subject management and injuries in a study of emergency evacuation through the Type-III exit / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-16 What aircrews should know about their occupational exposure to ionizing radiation / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-17 Usability and effectiveness of advanced general aviation cockpit displays for instrument flight procedures / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003-18 Ethanol origin in postmortem urine : an LC/MS determination of serotonin metabolites / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003/19 FAA strategies for reducing operational error causal factors / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003/20 Use of personality assessment measures in the selection of air traffic control specialists / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003/21 Validation of JANUS technique : causal factors of human error in operational errors / 1
RC1054.U5 A4 no. 2003/22 Distribution and optical purity of methamphetamine found in toxic concentration in a civil aviation accident pilot fatality / 1