Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC110 .B562 1991 Biochemical protozoology / 1
RC110 .I58 1979 Current chemotherapy and infectious disease : proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Chemotherapy and the 19th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Boston, Massachusetts, 1-5 October 1979 / 2
RC110 .O4 Omagiu lui Mihai Ciucă cu ocazia împlinirii a 80 de ani. / 1
RC110 .U47a Annual progress report / 1
RC111 Analyzing and modeling spatial and temporal dynamics of infectious diseases /
Concepts and methods in infectious disease surveillance /
Major infectious diseases /
Infectious diseases and nanomedicine II : first International Conference (ICIDN-2012), Dec. 15-18, 2012, Kathmandu, Nepal /
Communicable diseases of the developing world /
Infectious diseases and nanomedicine III : second International Conference (ICIDN - 2015), Dec. 15-18, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal /
Ecology and evolution of infectious diseases : pathogen control and public health management in low-income countries /
Nanotheranostics for treatment and diagnosis of infectious diseases
Introduction to clinical infectious diseases : a problem-based approach /
Infectious complications in biologic and targeted therapies /
Infectious diseases consult handbook : common questions and answers /
Infectious diseases /
Computational modeling of infectious diseases with applications in Python /
Core concepts in clinical infectious diseases (CCCID) /
Current trends and concerns in infectious diseases
A synopsis of infectious and tropical diseases
Highly infectious diseases in critical care a comprehensive clinical guide /
Infection prevention in athletes
Infections in the immunosuppressed patient : an illustrated case-based approach /
Compliance mit Interventionen zur Prävention nosokomialer Infektionen in Therapieberufen. Eine systematische Übersicht
Protecting the public's health during novel infectious disease outbreaks
Infectious diseases drug delivery systems /
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic heat shock proteins in infectious disease
Recent advancements in the diagnosis of human disease
Clinical infectious diseases study guide a problem-based approach /
Clinical infectious disease /
Základy infekčního lékařství /
Viral, parasitic, bacterial, and fungal infections : anti-microbial, host defense, and therapeutic strategies /
Emergency management of infectious diseases /
Hair in infectious disease : recognition, treatment and prevention /
RC111 .A29 2005 The ABX guide : diagnosis & treatment of infectious diseases / 1
RC111 .B364 1996 Infectious disease / 1
RC111 .B364 2006eb Infection : microbiology and management / 1
RC111 .B48x 1949 Microbiology and man / 1
RC111 .C4 The sources and modes of infection / 1
RC111 .C4 1912 The sources and modes of infection / 1
RC111 .C44 2015 Wen re bing zhi nan ji /
Wen re lun jian zheng /
RC111 .C562 2008 Clinical infectious disease / 2
RC111 .C62 Infectious diseases; their evolution and eradication / 1
RC111 .C67 2005eb Communicable disease control in emergencies : a field manual / 1
RC111 .C87 2000eb Current clinical topics in infectious diseases. 1
RC111 .E34 2008 Emergency Management of Infectious Diseases. 1
RC111 .E34 2018 Emergency management of infectious diseases / 1
RC111 .E54 2012eb Ethics and security aspects of infectious disease control : interdisciplinary perspectives / 1
RC111 .E84 2016 Ethics and security aspects of infectious disease control : interdisciplinary perspectives / 1