Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC137 .D46 1997 Dengue haemorrhagic fever : diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control. 1
RC137 D46 2003eb Dengue fever : a medical dictionary, bibliography, and annotated research guide to Internet references / 1
RC137 .M35 2021 Expanded Dengue syndrome 1
RC137 .N49 2006eb New treatment strategies for dengue and other flaviviral diseases 1
RC137 .O34 2002eb The official patient's sourcebook on dengue / 1
RC138 .O34 2002eb The official patient's sourcebook on diphtheria / 1
RC138 .W6 From miasmas to molecules. 1
RC138 .W6 1961 From miasmas to molecules. 1
RC138.7 .P67 2006eb Population dynamics and infectious diseases in Asia / 1
RC139 .K85 1999eb Trematode infections and diseases of man and animals / 1
RC140 B67 1686 Disputatio medica inauguralis de dysenteria, quam summo favente, ex authoritate magnifici rectoris, D. Johannis Voet ... Nec non amplissimi senatûs academici consensu, & nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus & privilegiis ritè & legitimè consequendis, / 1
RC140 F657 1681 Disputatio medica inauguralis de dysenteria, quam praeside Deo optimo maximo, ex authoritate magnifici, d. rectoris, D. Johannis Voet ... Nec-non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, & almae facultatis medicae decreto, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus & privilegiis ritè & legitimè consequendis, / 1
RC140 (INTERNET) De morbis hibernorum; speciatim vero de dysenteria hibernica exercitatio medica; apud Academiam Dubliniensem, (kalend. quintilis, MDCXCVII.) pro gradu doctoratus in medicina, recitata, a Johanne Jones, M. D. Accesserunt sub calcem nonnulla, De dysenteria epidemica. 1
RC140.5 Global management of infectious disease after ebola /
ANTIBLACKNESS AND GLOBAL HEALTH a response to ebola in the colonial wake.
The Ebola epidemic in West Africa : proceedings of a workshop /
Outbreak culture : the Ebola crisis and the next epidemic, with a new preface and epilogue /
A day-by-day chronicle of the 2013-2016 ebola outbreak /
Ebola : clinical patterns, public health concerns /
Antiblackness and Global Health: A Response to Ebola in the Colonial Wake /
Representing ebola : culture, law, and public discourse about the 2013-2015 West Africa ebola outbreak /
Ebola virus disease : a manual for EVD management /
RC140.5 .C492 2015 Intra-action report, a dynamic tool for emergency managers and policymakers : a proof of concept and illustrative application to the 2014-2015 Ebola crisis / 1
RC140.5 .C73 2016 Ebola : profile of a killer virus / 1
RC140.5 .E36 2016 Ebola virus disease : from origin to outbreak / 1
RC140.5 .G45 2015 Mitigating the impact of Ebola in potential hot zones : a proof-of-concept approach to help decisionmakers prepare for high-risk scenarios outside Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone / 1
RC140.5 .K57 2023 More than a health crisis : securitization and the US response to the 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak / 2
RC140.5 .L34 2017eb The Ebola pandemic in Sierra Leone : representations, actors, interventions and the path to recovery / 2