Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC201 (INTERNET) Of the vvood called guaiacum that healeth the Frenche pockes, and also healeth the goute in the feete, the stoone, the palsey, lepree, dropsy, fallynge euyll, and other dyseases.
De morbo Gallico
RC201 .K195 Serology in syphilis control : principles of sensitivity and specificity, with an appendix for health officers and industrial physicians / 1
RC201 .K48 Syphilis; a treatise for practitioners / 1
RC201 .K48 1908 Syphilis; a treatise for practitioners / 1
RC201 .N48 A New method of curing the French-pox 2
RC201 .N55 Syphilis, gonorrhea and the public health / 1
RC201 .P28 Shadow on the land: syphilis / 1
RC201 .P85 The history and epidemiology of syphilis ... / 1
RC201 .P87 1914 A system of syphilis in five volumes. 1
RC201 .S49 2013 Sexually transmitted diseases a practical guide for primary care / 1
RC201 .U53 1949 A symposium on current progress in the study of venereal diseases, held under the auspices of the Syphilis Study Section, Division of Research Grants and Fellowships, National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service, in conjunction with the eleventh annual session of the American Venereal Disease Association, Washington, D.C., April 7-8, 1949. 1
RC201 .U55 Journal of venereal disease information. 1
RC201 ebook Valoración y cuidados de enfermería en infecciones de transmisión sexual / 1
RC201.1 Sexually transmitted infections in HIV-infected adults and special populations : a clinical guide / 2
RC201.1 .B27 Pilulæ antipudendagriæ, or, Venus's refuge whereby every one may secretly cure and preserve themselves from all venereal evils, being a secret never before published : also, the plain and true discovery of the French disease.
Pilulæ antipudendagriæ, or, Venus's refuge whereby every one may secretly cure and preserve themselves from all venereal evils, being a secret never before published : also, the plain and true discovery of the French disease ..
RC201.1 .G7 Management of chancroid, granuloma inguinale, lymphogranuloma venereum in general practice / 1
RC201.1 .H96 Of the vvood called guaiacum, that healeth the Frenche pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stoone, the palsey, lepree, dropsy, fallynge euyll, and other dyseases. 1
RC201.1 .L32 Prothylantinon, or, Some considerations of a notable expedient to root out the French pox from the English nation with excellent defensive remedies to preserve mankind from the infection of pocky women : also an advertisement, wherein is discover'd the dangerous practices of ignorant pretenders to the cure of the disease /
Prophylaktikon, or, Some considerations of a notable expedient to root out the French pox from the English nation with excellent defensive remedies to preserve mankind from the infection of pocky women : also an advertisement, wherein is discover'd the dangerous practices of ignorant pretenders to the cure of the disease /
RC201.2 .U5 Serology evaluation and research assembly, 1956-1957. 1
RC201.2 .U55 The laboratory aspects of syphilis. 1