Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC201.5.I3 C43 How laymen cut medical costs. 1
RC201.55.N7 M98 2005 The myth of syphilis : the natural history of treponematosis in North America / 1
RC201.6.A1 A77 1997 The great pox : the French disease in Renaissance Europe / 1
RC201.6.A1 S256 2022 Medieval Syphilis and Treponemal Disease / 1
RC201.6.A1 S56 2005 Sins of the flesh : responding to sexual disease in early modern Europe / 1
RC201.6.A1 W476 1892 Zur wechselwirkung zwischen Syphilis und anderen Krankheiten, insbesondere zwischen Psoriasis vulgaris und dem papulösen Syphilid / 1
RC201.6.E53 F32 Alberti Ottonis Fabri medici regii exer. Suec. Paradoxon de morbo Gallico libr. II, or, A paradox concerning the shameful disease for a warning to all against deceitful cures / 1
RC201.6.F8 Syphilis : Medicine, Metaphor, and Religious Conflict in Early Modern France / 1
RC201.6.F8 S54 2010 Infection of the innocents : wet nurses, infants, and syphilis in France, 1780-1900 / 1
RC201.6.F8 S54 2010eb Infection of the innocents : wet nurses, infants, and syphilis in France, 1780-1900 / 2
RC201.6.G32 Negotiating the French pox in early modern Germany / 1
RC201.6.G32 A947 2009 Negotiating the French pox in early modern Germany / 1
RC201.6.G7 Medicine, knowledge and venereal diseases in England, 1886-1916 / 1
RC201.6.G7 H37 1672 Great Venus unmasked, or, A more exact discovery of the venereal evil, or French disease comprizing the opinions of most antient and modern physicians with the particular sentiment of the author touching the rise, nature, subject, causes, kinds, progress, changes, signs, and prognosticks of the said evil : together with luculent problems, pregnant observations, and the most practical cures of that disease, and virulent gonorrhoea, or running of the reins : likewise a tract of general principles of physick with discourses of the scurvy, manginess, and plague /
Great Venus unmasked, or, A more exact discovery of the venereal evil, or French disease comprizing the opinions of most antient and modern physicians with the particular sentiment of the author touching the rise, nature, subject, causes, kinds, progress, changes, signs, and prognosticks of the said evil : together with luculent problems, pregnant observations, and the most practical cures of that disease, and virulent gonorrhoea, or running of the reins : likewise a tract of general principles of physick with discourses of the scurvy, manginess, and plague /
RC201.6.G7 .H37 1685 The French pox, with all its kinds, causes, signs and prognosticks also the running of the reins, shanker, bubo, gleets, and their cures : and what is the chief, an appendix of new observations never yet discovered by any : all comprised in this fifth edition of Little Venus unmask'd / 2
RC201.6.G7 S43 1996 The secret malady : venereal disease in eighteenth-century Britain and France / 1
RC201.6.S63 B47 2015eb From body to community : venereal disease and society in Baroque Spain / 1
RC201.6.S63 B47 2016 From body to community : venereal disease and society in Baroque Spain / 1
RC201.6.S63 .B473 2016 From Body to Community : Venereal Disease and Society in Baroque Spain / 1
RC201.9.N4 S6 A black experiment, or, the Tuskegee study / 1