Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC312.5.E9 Ocular tuberculosis / 1
RC312.5.G4 Urogenital tuberculosis : epidemiology, diagnosis, therapy / 1
RC312.5.M45 Applied hydraulic transients /
Tuberculous meningitis manual of diagnosis and therapy /
RC312.5.S5 C88 2005eb Cutaneous lupus erythematosus 1
RC312.5.S5 ebook Epidemiología y clasificación del lupus eritematoso sistémico / 1
RC312.5.S5 W35 2008eb Lupus : the essential clinician's guide / 1
RC312.5.S5 W35 2014eb Lupus : the essential clinician's guide / 1
RC312.5.S6 Tuberculosis of the spine / 1
RC312.5.S6 T84 Tuberculosis of the spine / 1
RC312.6.C4 C66 2008eb Saving sickly children : the tuberculosis preventorium in American life, 1909-1970 / 2
RC313 .A112 Tuberculosis statistics, states & cities. 1
RC313 .A12 Reported tuberculosis data. 1
RC313 .A16 1943 Tuberculosis in the United States : graphic presentation. 1
RC313 .A172 1963 Tuberculosis in 1963 / 1
RC313.A2 I55 2000eb Ending neglect : the elimination of tuberculosis in the United States / 1
RC313.A2 N5 1938 Tuberculosis among young women / 1
RC313.A2 P35 1917 The tuberculosis war problem of the United States / 1
RC313.A2 T46 1918 Ten Red Cross Christmas seals : messengers of health for you, in recognition of your support of the American Red Cross as a member in the Christmas roll call. 1
RC313.A2 T8 1995 Tuberculosis / 1
RC313.A2 .T83 2001 Tuberculosis in the workplace / 1