RC340 .C5 1991
George Cheyne : The English malady (1733) / |
2 |
RC340 .C5313 1987
On insanity and its classification / |
1 |
RC340 .E813 1845a
Mental maladies : a treatise on insanity / |
1 |
RC340 .E8713 1845i
Mental maladies a treatise on insanity / |
1 |
RC340 .G253
Galen on the passions and errors of the soul / |
1 |
RC340 .G3213 2009
The hospital of incurable madness = L'hospedale de' pazzi incurabili (1586) / |
1 |
An essay of the pathology of the brain and nervous stock in which convulsive diseases are treated of / |
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RC340 .K437 1684
Disputatio medica inauguralis de phrenitide. Quam, praeside Deo opt. max. ex authoritate magnifici rectoris, D. Lucae Schacht ... ; nec non amplissimi senatûs academici consensu, & almae facultatis medicae decretô, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus & privilegiis ritè ac legitimè consequendis, publico examini subjicit Godefridus vander Keessel, Dord.-Bat. Ad diem 1 Iunii locô horisque solitis. |
1 |
RC340 .K5
Nerves and personal power : some principles of psychology as applied to conduct and health / |
1 |
RC340 .K68 1899
Psychiatrie : ein Lehrbuck für Studi[e]rende und Aerzte / |
1 |
RC340 .M47 1895i
Sanity and insanity with illustrations / |
1 |
RC340 .P5
Physiologie de l'homme aliéné, appliquée a l'analyse de l'homme social. |
1 |
RC340 .P513 2008
Medico-Philosophical Treatise on Mental Alienation / |
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RC340 .P75 1837i
A treatise on insanity and other disorders affecting the mind |
1 |
RC340 .P78218 1776
Nuevo metodo para curar flatos, hypocondria, vapores, y ataques hystericos de las mugeres de todos estados, y en todo estado : con el qual los enfermos podrán por sí cuidar de su salud en falta de medico que les dirija / |
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RC340 .P83 1837 (Toner Coll.)
A treaise in insanity and other disorders affecting the mind / |
1 |
RC340 .R87 1827i
Medical inquiries and observations upon the diseases of the mind |
1 |
RC340 .S67 1970
Observations on the deranged manifestations of the mind, or insanity. |
1 |
RC340 .S8 1883i
Insanity its causes and prevention / |
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RC340 .S86 1871i
The causation, course, and treatment of reflex insanity in women |
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