Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC438 .S55 Mind and madness in ancient Greece : the classical roots of modern psychiatry / 1
RC438 .S63 2019 Socialisation or social isolation? : virtual ethnography and mental ill health. 1
RC438 .S76 1997 Healing the mind : a history of psychiatry from antiquity to the present / 2
RC438 .S87 1997 Le sujet de la folie : naissance de la psychiatrie / 1
RC438 .S92 1970 The manufacture of madness : a comparative study of the Inquisition and the mental health movement / 1
RC438 .S92 1997 The manufacture of madness : a comparative study of the inquisition and the mental health movement / 1
RC438 .S93 2017 Coercion as cure : a critical history of psychiatry / 1
RC438 .U46 La historia de la psicologia y de la psiquiatria en España : desde los mas remotos tiempos hasta la actualidad / 1
RC438 .U5 Mental illness and its treatment : past & present. 1
RC438 .W35 2017 Investigating the body in the Victorian asylum : doctors, patients, and practices / 2
RC438 .W43 1990 A history of great ideas in abnormal psychology / 1
RC438 .W43 1990eb A history of great ideas in abnormal psychology 1
RC438 .Y33 2004 La folie à l'âge démocratique, ou, L'après Foucault / 1
RC438 ebook Postpsiquiatría Apuntes sobre teorías y prácticas.
Entender las psicosis : hacia un enfoque integrador /
Historia cultural de la psiquiatría : (re)pensar la locura /
RC438.5 Psychiatrists on Psychiatry Conversations with Leaders 1
RC438.5 .B63 1999 Black psychiatrists and American psychiatry / 1
RC438.5 .H68 1992 How psychiatrists look at aging / 1
RC438.5 .L56 2021 Wounded healers : tribulations and triumphs of pioneering psychotherapists / 1
RC438.6.A73 Psychiatry and the human condition : a scientific biography of Silvano Arieti (1914-1981) / 1
RC438.6.B43 W45 1993 Aaron T. Beck / 1