Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC480 .A848 2009 Counseling and psychotherapy today : theory, practice, and research / 1
RC480 A948 2013eb Psicoanálisis, salud pública y salud mental en Chile / 1
RC480 .B13 La psicoterapia en su aspecto antropológico / 1
RC480 .B275 2023 The heart of therapy : developing compassion, understanding and boundaries / 1
RC480 .B3174 1988 Understanding psychotherapy : the science behind the art / 4
RC480 .B3176 2010eb Psychotherapy as a developmental process 1
RC480.B3178 2010 Introduction to Psychotherapy : an Outline of Psychodynamic Principles and Practice. 1
RC480 .B3178 2010eb Introduction to psychotherapy an outline of psychodynamic principles and practice /
Introduction to psychotherapy : an outline of psychodynamic principles and practice /
RC480 .B324 2006eb Impact Techniques for Therapists. 1
RC480 .B33 2011 The how-to book for students of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy 1
RC480 .B33 2011eb The how-to book for students of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy / 1
RC480 .B35 The silent language of psychotherapy : social reinforcement of unconscious processes / 1
RC480 .B35 1984 The silent language of psychotherapy : social reinforcement of unconscious processes / 2
RC480 .B35 2017eb The silent language of psychotherapy : social reinforcement of unconscious processes / 1
RC480 .B35 2023 Katathym imaginative psychotherapy : textbook of working with imaginations in psychodynamic psychotherapies / 1
RC480 .B3587 2022 Shame, pride, and relational trauma : concepts and psychotherapy / 1
RC480 .B37 2014eb Integrative clinical social work practice : a contemporary perspective / 1
RC480 .B37 2020  
RC480 .B376 Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change : an empirical analysis / 1
RC480 .B376 1971