Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RC480 .P79 2000eb | Psychotherapeutische Medizin : Psychoanalyse - Psychosomatik - Psychotherapie : ein Leitfaden für Klinik und Praxis / | 1 |
RC480 .P792 2015 | Psychosocial interventions for mental and substance use disorders : a framework for establishing evidence-based standards / | 1 |
RC480 .P793 2014 | Psychotherapy 2.0 : where psychotherapy and technology meet / | 1 |
RC480 .P798 2008eb | Psychotherapeutic diagnostics guidelines for the new standard / | 1 |
RC480 .P82 |
Psychotherapy and behavior change. Psychotherapy. |
2 |
RC480 .P8245 1992 | Psychotherapy and its discontents / | 2 |
RC480 .P827 2012 | The psychotherapy of hope : the legacy of Persuasion and healing / | 1 |
RC480 .R395 1999 | Reconciling empirical knowledge and clinical experience : the art and science of psychotherapy / | 1 |
RC480 .R395 2000 | Reconciling empirical knowledge and clinical experience : the art and science of psychotherapy / | 1 |
RC480 .R4 1983 | Treatment of the DSM-III psychiatric disorders / | 2 |
RC480 .R4 1989 | The treatment of psychiatric disorders : revised for the DSM-III-R / | 1 |
RC480.R4 1989 | The Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders. | 1 |
RC480 .R4 2018 | Re-visioning person-centred therapy : theory and practice of a radical paradigm / | 2 |
RC480 .R44 | The Relation of theory to practice in psychotherapy / | 1 |
RC480 .R4713 2010 | Resource activation : using clients' own strengths in psychotherapy and counseling / | 1 |
RC480 .R63 | Expressive therapy : a creative arts approach to depth-oriented treatment / | 1 |
RC480 .R63x | Expressive therapy : a creative arts approach to depth-oriented treatment / | 1 |
RC480 .R635 2013 | Upheavals in the Psychoanalytical Institutions II : Upheavals in the Institutions / | 1 |
RC480 .R665 1977 | Psychobabble : fast talk and quick cure in the era of feeling / | 1 |
RC480 .R6653 2006 | Therapy's best : practical advice and gems of wisdom from twenty accomplished counselors and therapists / | 1 |