Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC480.54 .O44 1996 Counselling older adults : perspectives, approaches and research / 1
RC480.54 .O728 2003 Counselling older clients / 1
RC480.54 .O728 2003eb Counselling older clients /
Counselling older clients
RC480.54 .O73 1996 Not too late : psychotherapy and ageing / 1
RC480.54 .P796 2002 Psychological therapies with older people : developing treatments for effective practice / 1
RC480.54 .P796 2002eb Psychological therapies with older people : developing treatments for effective practice / 1
RC480.54 .T35 2004 Talking over the years : a handbook of dynamic psychotherapy with older adults / 1
RC480.54 .T35 2004eb Talking over the years : a handbook of dynamic psychotherapy with older adults /
Talking over the years a handbook of dynamic psychotherapy with older adults /
RC480.54 .T48 1995 Counseling older persons : a professional handbook / 1
RC480.54 .T74 2015eb Treatment of late-life depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance abuse /
Treatment of late-life depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance abuse
RC480.54V33 2010 Psychotherapy with Older Men. 1
RC480.54 V33 2011eb Psychotherapy with older men 1
RC480.55 A Handbook of Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy : Theory and Technique.
Theory and practice of focusing-oriented psychotherapy : beyond the talking cure /
Single session thinking and practice in global, cultural, and familial contexts : expanding applications /
Single session therapy : a clinical introduction to principles and practices /
Single-session therapy : distinctive features /
Single-session therapy (SST) : 100 key points and techniques /
Mastering intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy : a roadmap to the unconscious /
Time-limited, intermittent therapy with children and families /
How to think and intervene like a single-session therapist /
Solution-focused brief therapy with families /
Current thinking and research in brief therapy : solutions, strategies, narratives /
An integrated approach to short-term dynamic interpersonal psychotherapy : a clinician's guide /
The art and science of brief psychotherapies : a practitioner's guide /
Brief therapy conversations : exploring efficient intervention in psychotherapy /
Intentional intervention in counseling and therapy goals and processes in client engagement /
Single-session one-at-a-time therapy : a rational emotive behaviour therapy approach /
The role of brief therapy in attachment disorders /
RC480.55 .A97 1996 Is long-term psychotherapy unethical? : toward a social ethic in an era of managed care / 1
RC480.55 .B37 1995 Doing brief psychotherapy / 1
RC480.55 .B47 1985 Fishing for barracuda : pragmatics of brief systematic therapy / 1
RC480.55 .B56 1991 Planned short-term psychotherapy : a clinical handbook / 1
RC480.55 .B56 1992 Planned short-term psychotherapy : a clinical handbook / 1
RC480.55 .B657 2000 Bolstering self-esteem and allaying self-criticism : Ericksonian hypnotherapy / 1
RC480.55.B745 2008 Brief Person-Centred Therapies. 1