Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC480.75 .R55 2015 Assessment and case formulation in counselling and psychotherapy / 1
RC480.8 Clinical encounters and the Lacanian analyst : "who's your Dora?" /
Improving communication in mental health settings evidence-based recommendations from practitioner-led research /
Therapist and client : a relational approach to psychotherapy /
Head Games : De-Colonizing the Psychotherapeutic Process.
Psychotherapeutic competencies : techniques, relationships, and epistemology in systemic practice /
Handbook of interpersonal psychotherapy /
Working With Difficult Patients : From Neurosis to Psychosis /
Mirrors of madness : patrolling the psychic border /
The non-disclosing patient : a clinician's guide /
The Therapy Relationship : a Special Kind of Friendship /
Multiple relationships in psychotherapy and counseling : unavoidable, common, and mandatory relations between clients and therapists /
Dialogues for discovery : improving psychotherapy's effectiveness /
Relating to Clients : the Therapeutic Relationship for Complementary Therapists.
Boundaries and boundary violations in psychoanalysis /
Philosophical Issues in Counseling and Psychotherapy : Encounters with Four Questions about Knowing, Effectiveness, and Truth.
The skillful soul of the psychotherapist /
Language and Connection in Psychotherapy : Words Matter.
Confidentiality : Ethical Perspectives and Clinical Dilemmas /
The dyadic transaction : an investigation into the nature of the psychotherapeutic process /
Psychoanalysis, intersubjective writing, and a postmaterialist model of mind : I woke up dead /
Bombs in the consulting room : surviving psychological shrapnel /
The personhood of the therapist /
Therapists Who Have Sex With Their Patients : Treatment And Recovery /
A Healing Conversation : How Healing Happens.
Sexual Dilemmas For The Helping Professional : Revised and Expanded Edition /
Fostering Independence : Helping and Caring in Psychodynamic Therapies /
The analyst's reveries : explorations in Bion's enigmatic concept /
Using relentless empathy in the therapeutic relationship : connecting with challenging and resistant clients /
The therapist's pregnancy : intrusion in the analytic space /
Traumatic ruptures : abandonment and betrayal in the analytic relationship /
DiƔlogos terapƩuticos en la red social /
The Space Between : Experience, Context, and Process in the Therapeutic Relationship /
Joint decision making in mental health an interactional approach /
Clinical thinking in psychotherapy : what it is, how it works, and why and how to teach it /
Psychotherapy : an erotic relationship : transference and countertransference passions /
RC480.8 .A53 1997 Conversation, language, and possibilities : a postmodern approach to therapy / 1
RC480.8 .A76 1996 A meeting of minds : mutuality in psychoanalysis / 1
RC480.8 .A76 1996eb A meeting of minds : mutuality in psychoanalysis / 1
RC480.8 .A887 2012 The abyss of madness / 1
RC480.8 .A887 2012eb The abyss of madness 1
RC480.8 .B38 1989 Sex in the therapy hour : a case of professional incest / 1
RC480.8 .B384 1997 The intimate hour : love and sex in psychotherapy / 2
RC480.8 .B39 2021 Moral responsibility and the psychopath : the value of others / 2
RC480.8 .B44 2002 Infant research and adult treatment co-constructing interactions / 1
RC480.8 .B48 1983 Eclectic psychotherapy : a systematic approach / 1
RC480.8 B48 1983 Eclectic psychotherapy : a systematic approach / 1
RC480.8 .B5 1983 Bias in psychotherapy / 1
RC480.8 .B54 1983eb Attention and interpretation / 1
RC480.8 .B56 1999eb Relating in Psychotherapy : the Application of a New Theory. 1
RC480.8 .B65 1995 The new informants : the betrayal of confidentiality in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy / 2
RC480.8 .B84 The search for existential identity / 1
RC480.8 .C3713 1982 A secret symmetry : Sabina Spielrein between Jung and Freud / 1
RC480.8 .C4 2011 Sexual boundary violations therapeutic, supervisory, and academic contexts / 1