Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RC488 .Y3 2020 | The theory and practice of group psychotherapy / | 1 |
RC488 .Z545 2013 | Group activities for families in recovery / | 1 |
RC488eb | Difficult topics in group psychotherapy : my journey from shame to courage / | 1 |
RC488 ebook |
El pensamiento bonito desde Montes de María : inspiraciones episte-metodológicas para el estudio transdisciplinar de la grupalidad curadora / Grupalidad curadora : prácticas cotidianas, comunitarias y descoloniales / |
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RC488.5 |
Culture and Reflexivity in Systemic Psychotherapy : Mutual Perspectives / Innovations in the reflecting process : the inspirations of Tom Andersen / The disordered couple / Engaging couples : new directions in therapeutic in work with families / Death and chronic illness in the family : Bowen family systems theory perspectives / Peace, war, and mental health : couples therapists look at the dynamics / Working with developmental anxieties in couple and family psychotherapy : the family within / Intellectual disabilities : a systemic approach / Innovations in the Reflecting Process. Marital therapy : strategies based on social learning & behavior exchange principles / Cognitive and neuroscientific aspects of human love : a guide for marriage and couples counseling / GROUP THERAPY FOR HIGH-CONFLICT DIVORCE the 'no kids in the middle' intervention program. The contemporary relational supervisor / Therapeutic alliances with families empowering clients in challenging cases / Couple therapy : the basics / Self in Relationships : Perspectives on Family Therapy from Developmental Psychology / A practical guide to family therapy : structured guidelines and key skills / Hearing voices : the histories, causes, and meanings of auditory verbal hallucinations / Fight right : how successful couples turn conflict into connection / Paradox and the family system / Research perspectives in couple therapy : discursive qualitative methods / New horizons in systemic practice with children and families / Clinical treatment directions for infidelity : a phenomenological framework for understanding / New Horizons in systemic practice with adults / Couple Attachments : Theoretical and Clinical Studies / Schema therapy with couples : a practitioner's guide to healing relationships / The couples psychotherapy treatment planner, with DSM-5 updates / The family therapy treatment planner with DSM-5 updates / Out of control : family therapy and domestic disorder / Object relations and relationality in couple therapy : exploring the middle ground / MODELOS DE FAMILIA;CONOCER Y RESOLVER LOS PROBLEMAS ENTRE PADRES E HIJOS. Landscapes of the Heart : the Working World of a Sex and Relationship Therapist. Couples and family therapy in clinical practice / The Dialogical Therapist : Dialogue in Systemic Practice / Narrative Psychiatry and Family Collaborations. Integrative Couple Therapy in Action : a practical guide for handling common relationship problems and crises / Sensate focus in sex therapy : the illustrated manual / Family therapy : the treatment of natural systems / Family therapy and the treatment of substance use disorders : the family matters model / Treating relationship distress and psychopathology in couples : a cognitive-behavioural approach / Psychoanalytic work with families and couples : clinical perspectives on suffering / Handbook Of Measurements For Marriage And Family Therapy / Finding your voice as a beginning marriage and family therapist / Family therapy supervision in extraordinary settings : illustrations of systemic approaches in everyday clinical work / Mentalization in the family : a guide for professionals and parents / The transparent brain in couple and family therapy : mindful integrations with neuroscience / Expansions of feminist family theory through diversity / Multiple Voices : Narrative in Systemic Family Psychotherapy / Couple therapy : theory and effective practice / Advances and techniques in restoration therapy / The secret language of intimacy : releasing the hidden power in couple relationships / Terapia de pareja según las relaciones objetales / The presence of the absent : therapy with families and their ghosts / Handbook of Behavioural Family Therapy / Intimacy from the inside out : courage and compassion in couple therapy / TERAPIA FAMILIAR ULTRAMODERNA;LA INTELIGENCIA TERAPEUTICA. A roadmap for couple therapy : integrating systemic, psychodynamic, and behavioral approaches / A couple state of mind : the psychoanalysis of couples / Couple stories : application of psychoanalytic ideas in thinking about couple interaction / Children in family therapy : treatment and training / Constructivist, critical, and integrative approaches to couples counseling / Couples on the couch : psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy and the Tavistock model / A step-by-step guide to socio-emotional relationship therapy : a socially responsible approach to clinical practice / Comparative Treatment Series - Relationship Dysfunction : a Practitioner's Guide to Comparative Treatments. Our loving relationship / A family systems guide to infidelity : helping couples understand, recover from, and avoid future affairs / The couples therapy companion : a cognitive behavior workbook / COUPLES IN CONFLICT clinical techniques for navigating sexual and relationship control... struggles. Psicoterapia psicoanalítica de pareja / Shame Regulation Therapy for Families : a Systemic Mirroring Approach / The family emotional system : an integrative concept for theory, science, and practice / Family Systems Theory Simplified : Applying and Understanding Systemic Therapy Models. Contemporary perspectives on relational wellness : psychoanalysis and the modern family / Clinical interventions in systemic couple and family therapy / Psychotherapy for families after brain injury / Socioculturally attuned family therapy : guidelines for equitable theory and practice / Clinical guide to helping new parents : the couple CARE for Parents program / Out of control family therapy and domestic disorder / Systems and Psychoanalysis : Contemporary Integrations in Family Therapy / The Therapeutic Relationship in Systemic Therapy / Multiple family therapy : the Marlborough model and its wider applications / Introduction to family counseling : a case study approach / A Life-Cycle Approach to Treating Couples : From Dating to Death. More about couples on the couch : approaching psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy from an expanded perspective / Couples and pregnancy : welcome, unwelcome, and in-between / Family therapy as socially transformative practice : practical strategies / Teaching Systemic Thinking / Emotionally focused family therapy : restoring connection and promoting resilience / Social justice and systemic family therapy training / The therapist's use of self : being the catalyst for change in couple and family therapy / Breaking negative relationship patterns : a schema therapy self-help and support book / Systemic diagnosis : the application of family systems theory / A therapist's guide to consensual nonmonogamy : polyamory, swinging, and open marriage / Long term systemic therapy individuals, couples and families / Case conceptualization in couple therapy : comparing and contrasting theories / Becoming an effective family therapist : research, practice and case stories / Neurodiverse couple therapy : a practical guide to brain-informed care / Handbook of family therapy / Techniques for the couple therapist : essential interventions from the experts / Cognitive behavioural couple therapy : distinctive features / Dialogue therapy for couples and real dialogue for opposing sides : methods based on psychoanalysis and mindfulness / Creating cultural safety in couple and family therapy : supervision and training / Performance-Based Family Therapy : A Therapist⁰́₉s Guide to Measurable Change. Handbook of LGBTQ-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy ETHICAL AND AESTHETIC EXPLORATIONS OF SYSTEMIC PRACTICE new critical. Creative positions in adult mental health : outside in-inside out / Innovative skills to increase cohesion and communication in couples / Counseling families : play-based treatment / Creating optimal relationships : use of the voltage concept with couples / Breaking negative relationship patterns a schema therapy self-help and support book / Socioculturally Attuned Family Therapy : Guidelines for Equitable Theory and Practice / Intersectionality in family therapy leadership professional power, personal identities / Bilingualism, culture, and social justice in family therapy / The Routledge International Handbook of Couple and Family Therapy / Eco-informed practice : family therapy in an age of ecological peril / CUANDO DUELE EL AMOR;REFLEXIONES E HISTORIAS DE PAREJAS EN TERAPIA Couple Dynamics : Psychoanalytic Perspectives in Work with the Individual, the Couple, and the Group / Origins and originality in family therapy and systemic practice GROUP THERAPY FOR HIGH-CONFLICT DIVORCE a workbook for the no kids in. Hope, forgiveness, and positive psychology in couple therapy / Getting Past the Affair A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move on--Together or Apart. |
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RC488.5.A1 F3 | Family process. | 1 |
RC488.5.A1 F33 | Family therapy. | 1 |
RC488.5 .A26 1984 | A theory of family systems / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A3 1992 | Adult psychological problems : an introduction / | 1 |
RC488.5 A34 2014 | Advanced methods in family therapy research : a focus on validity and change / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A35 2000 | Adult psychological problems : an introduction / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A46 1994 | American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy ethics casebook / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A475 1983 | Mastering resistance : a practical guide to family therapy / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A4818 2017eb | Multi-generational family therapy : tools and resources for the therapist / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A51 1994 | American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy ethics casebook / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A65 1994 | Bread & spirit : therapy with the new poor : diversity of race, culture, and values / | 1 |
RC488.5 A66 1985 | Applications of systemic family therapy : the Milan approach / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A76 1996eb | Inside managed care : family therapy in a changing environment / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A84 2001eb | Multiple family therapy : the Marlborough model and its wider applications / | 1 |
RC488.5 .A84 2021eb | Mentalization-based treatment with families / | 1 |