Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC489.S65 B473 2009eb The therapist's notebook on strengths and solution-based therapies homework, handouts, and activities / 1
RC489.S65 B876 2023 Working with solution focused brief therapy in healthcare settings : a practical guide / 1
RC489.S65 D38 2021 More than miracles : the state of the art of solution-focused brief therapy / 1
RC489.S65 D4 1994 Words were originally magic / 2
RC489.S65 D64 2010eb Doing something different : solution-focused brief therapy practices / 2
RC489.S65 E38 2012eb Education and training in solution-focused brief therapy / 1
RC489.S65 F73 2018 Solution focused brief therapy in alternative schools : ensuring student success and preventing dropout / 2
RC489.S65 F87 1992 Solution talk : hosting therapeutic conversations / 2
RC489.S65 G88 2013 Mastering the art of solution-focused counseling /
Mastering the art of solution-focused counseling
RC489.S65 H36 1996 Handbook of solution-focused brief therapy / 1
RC489.S65 H36 2011eb Skills in solution focused brief counselling & psychotherapy / 1
RC489.S65 H362 2007eb Handbook of solution-focused brief therapy : clinical applications / 1
RC489.S65 H364 2003 Handbook of solution-focused therapy / 1
RC489.S65 H365 2003 Handbook of solution-focused therapy / 1
RC489.S65 M33 2011 Solution-focused therapy : theory, research & practice / 1
RC489.S65 O26 Solution-Focused Stress Counselling. 1
RC489.S65 O26 1998 Solution-focused therapy / 1
RC489.S65 O26 2001 Solution-focused stress counselling. 1
RC489.S65 O26 2005 Solution-focused therapy / 1
RC489.S65 O26 2012eb Solution-focused therapy / 1