Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC514 .K85 2002eb Family work for schizophrenia : a practical guide / 1
RC514 .K87 2015 Schizophrenia and its treatment : where is the progress? / 1
RC514 .L24 1971 Lafayette Clinic Studies on schizophrenia / 1
RC514 .L27 Sanity, madness, and the family / 1
RC514 .L27 2017 Sanity, madness and the family families of schizophrenics / 1
RC514 .L32 1978 Language and cognition in schizophrenia / 1
RC514 .L32 2014eb Language and cognition in schizophrenia / 1
RC514 .L35 1999 Late onset schizophrenia / 1
RC514 .L35 2012 Schizophrenia is a misdiagnosis implications for the DSM-5 and the ICD-11 / 1
RC514 .L397 2018eb Successful drug-free psychotherapy for schizophrenia / 2
RC514 .L44 2000 Sex differences in schizophrenia : a review of the literature. 1
RC514 .L443 1936 Research in dementia precox : past attainments, present trends and future possibilities / 1
RC514 .L5 1985 Schizophrenia and the family. 1
RC514 .L54 2023 Malady of the mind : schizophrenia and the path to prevention / 1
RC514 .L56 Literatur und Schizophrenie : Theorie u. Interpretation e. Grenzgebietes / 1
RC514 .L6 Psychotherapy with schizophrenics : a reappraisal / 1
RC514 .L674 2023 Intruders in the Mind Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Thought Insertion. 1
RC514 .L68 2015 Psychotherapy for people diagnosed with schizophrenia : specific techniques / 2
RC514 .L983 2019 Schizo. 1