Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RC553.A84 P79 2015eb | Psychological approaches to understanding and treating auditory hallucinations : from theory to therapy / | 1 |
RC553.A84 S74 2000eb |
When self-consciousness breaks alien voices and inserted thoughts / When self-consciousness breaks : alien voices and inserted thoughts / |
2 |
RC553.A84 V65 2004eb | Voices in the brain : the cognitive neuropsychiatry of auditory verbal hallucinations / | 1 |
RC553.A84 V65 2022 | Voices in psychosis : interdisciplinary perspectives / | 1 |
RC553.A88 |
Neurobiology of autism spectrum disorders / Organism models of autism spectrum disorders / Adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders Autism and the myth of the person alone Computational autism / Comprehensive models of autism spectrum disorder treatment : points of divergence and convergence / A practical guide to finding treatments that work for people with autism / Living in two worlds : on being a social chameleon with Asperger's / The Asperger Personal Guide : Raising Self-esteem and Making the Most of Yourself as an Adult with Aspergers Syndrome. What To Do If the Mind Does Not Develop : a Psychoanalytic Study of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Choosing effective support for people on the autism spectrum : a guide based on academic perspectives and lived experience / Comprehensive guide to autism / Conversation and intonation in autism : a multi-dimensional analysis / The rise of autism : risk and resistance in the age of diagnosis / Arts therapies research and practice with persons on the autism spectrum : colourful hatchlings / Behavior analytic approaches to promote enjoyable mealtimes for autistics/individuals diagnosed with autism and their families / See it feelingly : classic novels, autistic readers, and the schooling of a no-good English professor / Teaching Myself To See Introducing autism : theory and evidence-based practices for teaching individuals with ASD / Psychiatric symptoms and comorbidities in autism spectrum disorder / The Nine Degrees of Autism : a Developmental Model for the Alignment and Reconciliation of Hidden Neurological Conditions. Understanding autism and autistic functioning : a guide for parents, educators and professionals / Frances Tustin today / Tracing autism : uncertainty, ambiguity, and the affective labor of neuroscience / Autistic community and the neurodiversity movement : stories from the frontline / Biometals in autism spectrum disorders / Autism / Our autistic lives : personal accounts from autistic adults aged 20 to 70+ / Trans and autistic : stories from life at the intersection / Cinematic psychotherapy : audiovisual languages, therapeutic strategies, and autism narratives / Treating feeding challenges in autism turning the tables on mealtime / Dramatherapy and autism / A practical guide for finding interventions that work for Autistic people : diversity-affirming evidence-based practice / Autism : the movement sensing perspective / Systemically treating autism : a clinician's guide for empowering families / Sensing the city : an autistic perspective / At home with autism : designing housing for the spectrum / The Asperger Love Guide. Dietary Interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorders : Why They Work When They Do, Why They Don't When They Don't. Autism and the development of mind / Sensory sociology of autism : habitual favourites / A spectrum of solutions for clients with autism : treatment for adolescents and adults / The complexity of autism spectrum disorders / Neuroscience of autism / Neural engineering techniques for autism spectrum disorder. War on autism : on the cultural logic of normative violence / Recognising autism and Asperger's syndrome : a practical guide to adult diagnosis and beyond / Invisible Boundaries : Psychosis and Autism in Children and Adolescents. Autistic adults at Bittersweet Farms / Homeopathy and autism spectrum disorder : a guide for practitioners and families / Behavioral theories and interventions for autism / Handbook of treatments for autism spectrum disorder / Sexual behaviours and relationships of autistics : a scoping review / The social, cultural, and political discourses of autism A practical guide to autism : what every parent, family member, and teacher needs to know / Quality control for behavior analysts : how to manage behavioral intervention quality in autism service settings / Exploring Autism A Conversation with Uta Frith. Autism in childhood and autistic features in adults : a psychoanalytic perspective / Autistic barriers in neurotic patients The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy Step-By-Step Advice on How to Ally and Speak up with Autistic People and the Autism Community. Handbook of applied behavior analysis interventions for autism : integrating research into practice / A practical guide to social interaction research in autism spectrum disorders The broad autism phenotype / Autism and offending behaviour / A progressive approach to applied behavior analysis : the autism partnership method / Emerging programs for autism spectrum disorder improving communication, behavior, and family dynamics / What you need to know about autism / Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders. Communication in autism / The complete guide to becoming an autism friendly professional : working with individuals, groups, and organizations / Autism and masking : how and why people do It, and the impact it can have / My autistic awakening : unlocking the potential for a life well lived / Working with girls and young women with autism spectrum condition : a practical guide for clinicians / Autism spectrum disorder and Alzheimer's disease advances in research / Neuroscience of autism The Western disease : contesting autism in the Somali diaspora / Diagnosis Asparagus : Advocating for Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Conditions. International review of neurobiology. Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorder : assessment, diagnosis, and treatment / The psychiatry of adult autism and asperger syndrome : a practical guide / What I want to talk about : how autistic special interests shape a life / The Electricity of Every Living Thing A Woman's Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home. Autism in translation : an intercultural conversation on autism spectrum conditions / The Autism Spectrum Guide to Sexuality and Relationships : Understand Yourself and Make Choices that are Right for You. Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum. Drinking, drug use and addiction in the autism community / Handbook of assessment and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder / Girls with Autism Becoming Women / An Asperger's Guide to Public Speaking : How to Excel at Public Speaking for Professionals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. How People with Autism Grieve, and How to Help : an Insider Handbook. Assessment of autism in females and nuanced presentations : integrating research into practice / Social Interactions in Autism? / Training manual for behavior technicians working with individuals with autism / Handbook of early intervention for autism spectrum disorders : research, policy, and practice / Handbook of interdisciplinary treatments for autism spectrum disorder / Practical ethics for effective treatment of autism spectrum disorder / Neurodiverse relationships : autistic and neurotypical partners share their experiences / Sex, drugs and Asperger's syndrome (ASD) : a user guide to adulthood / Evidence-based assessment in ASD (autism spectrum disorder) : what is available, what is appropriate and what is 'fit-for-purpose' / Evidence-based practices for supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder / The Many Faces of Asperger's Syndrome / Encyclopedia of autism spectrum disorders / Looking after your autistic self : a personalised self-care approach to managing your sensory and emotional well-being / Sensory perceptual issues in autism and asperger syndrome : different sensory experiences - different perceptual worlds / Prelinguistic and minimally verbal communicators on the autism spectrum / Evidence-Based Assessment Tools in ASD : a Comprehensive Review of What is Available, What is Appropriate and What is 'Fit-for-Purpose' Repetitve and restricted behaviors and interests in autism spectrum disorders : from neurobiology to behavior / Neuronal and synaptic dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability / Autism friendly business : serving neurodiverse customers / Translational anatomy and cell biology of Autism spectrum disorder Adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders / Autism service delivery : bridging the gap between science and practice / Curricula for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Essential clinical guide to understanding and treating autism / Personalized food intervention and therapy for autism spectrum disorder management Autism and gender : from refrigerator mothers to computer geeks / Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz : Das Leiden der Opfer im Kontext von Führungsstilen und Konfliktmanagement. Applying metascientific principles to autism research / Is this autism? : a guide for clinicians and everyone else / Neuroprotection in autism, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease / Handbook of quality of life for individuals with autism spectrum disorder / The Oxford handbook of autism and co-occurring psychiatric conditions / The neurodiversity reader : exploring concepts, lived experience and implications for practice / Autism friendly cities : how to develop an inclusive community / Naming adult autism : culture, science, identity / STATISTICS FOR APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS PRACTITIONERS AND RESEARCHERS Autism 360° / From hurt to hope : stories of mental health, mental illness and being autistic / Autism spectrum disorder understanding the female phenotype / UNDERSTANDING AUTISM perspectives, assessment, interventions / The nine degrees of autism : a developmental model for the alignment and reconciliation of hidden neurological conditions / Sensory issues for adults with autism spectrum disorder / Autism is not a disease : the politics of neurodiversity / Neurodiversity-affirming psychotherapy : clinical pathways to autistic mental health / La Realidad Tras el Diagnóstico TEA Evolución y Problemáticas en Torno Al Proceso Diagnóstico Del Trastorno Del Espectro Autista. Autism research and treatment Molecular autism |
158 |
RC553.A88 .A33 2006eb | Group treatment for Asperger syndrome : a social skills curriculum / | 1 |
RC553.A88 A37 2017 | Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder : a clinical handbook / | 1 |
RC553.A88 A38 2019 | Autism in adulthood / | 1 |
RC553.A88 .A384 2013 | Autistic Transformations : Bion's Theory and Autistic Phenomena. | 1 |
RC553.A88 A454 2014eb | ||
RC553.A88 A4884 2008eb | Asperger's disorder | 1 |
RC553.A88A4885 2008 | Asperger Syndrome and Employment : Adults Speak Out about Asperger Syndrome. | 1 |
RC553.A88 A73 2023 | I Will Die On This Hill : Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World / | 1 |
RC553.A88 A79 2008eb | Asperger syndrome and social relationships : adults speak out about Asperger syndrome / | 1 |
RC553.A88 A795 1998 | Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism? / | 3 |
RC553.A88 A822 2003eb | Aspergers in love : couple relationships and family affairs / | 1 |
RC553.A88 A824 2016eb | Exploring Depression, and Beating the Blues : a CBT Self-Help Guide to Understanding and Coping with Depression in Asperger's Syndrome [ASD-Level 1] | 1 |
RC553.A88 A8255 2014 | The autism spectrum, sexuality and the law : what every parent and professional needs to know / | 1 |
RC553.A88 A83 1991 |
Autism and Asperger syndrome / Autism and Asperger Syndrome / |
2 |
RC553.A88 A833 2008eb | Autism and representation | 1 |