Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RC589 .N48 1989 | Neuro-biochemical studies of autonomic nerve regulation of experimental nasal hypersensitivity / | 1 |
RC589 .P65 2015eb | Allergens and Airway Hyperreactivity / | 1 |
RC590 .A88 1984 | Astemizole in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis : a double-blind comparison with clemastine in patients sensitive to tree and grass pollen : special reference to side effects registered in psychological tests / | 1 |
RC591 |
Asma Para Pacientes y las Personas que los Apoyan : Información + Tomar el control = El mejor resultado / Clinical asthma : theory and practice / Asthma / Asthma for patients and supporters : information + taking control = best outcome / Inflammatory cells and mediators in bronchial asthma / Airway wall remodelling in asthma / Asthma : Critical Debates. Asthma in the 21st century new research advances / Asthma : physiology, immunopharmacology, and treatment / Asthma : comorbidities, coexisting conditions, and differential diagnosis / Systems and signal processing of capnography as a diagnostic tool for asthma assessment Treatment of Asthma in Older Adults : A Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Guide / Development of anti-asthma drugs Personalizing Asthma Management for the Clinician. Pharmacology and therapeutics of asthma and COPD Precision approaches to heterogeneity in asthma / Asthma : targeted biological therapies / Allergic asthma immunopathogenesis immunopathology of the allergic asthma / The Asthmas : A Precision Medicine Approach to Treatable Traits, Diagnosis and Management. Asthma in the workplace / Asthma education principles and practice for the asthma educator / Alergias y asma. Diferentes tipos de alergias y cómo combatirlas eficazmente. |
22 |
RC591 .A38 2019 | Advances in asthma : pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment / | 1 |
RC591 .A7284 2002eb | Asthma and copd basic mechanisms and clinical management / | 1 |
RC591 .A7284 2009eb | Asthma and COPD : basic mechanisms and clinical management / | 1 |
RC591 .A73 2000eb | Asthma and rhinitis | 1 |
RC591 .A76 1998eb | Asthma basic mechanisms and clinical management / | 1 |
RC591 .A77 1986 | Asthma : clinical pharmacology and therapeutic progress / | 1 |
RC591 .A818115 1993 | Asthma in the workplace / | 1 |
RC591 .A818115 1999eb | Asthma in the workplace / | 1 |
RC591 .A826 2000 | Asthma mechanisms and protocols / | 1 |
RC591 .A86 1992 | Asthma treatment a multidisciplinary approach / | 1 |
RC591 .A865 1999eb | Asthma's impact on society : the social and economic burden / | 1 |
RC591 .A865 2000 | Asthma's impact on society : the social and economic burden / | 1 |
RC591 .A88 2003eb | Asthma : a medical dictionary, bibliography, and annotated research guide to internet references / | 1 |
RC591 .A88 2010 | Asthma, health and society a public health perspective / | 1 |
RC591 .B6813 1995eb | Understand and control your asthma / | 2 |
RC591 .B753 2006 | Bronchial asthma : a guide for practical understanding and treatment / | 1 |