Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC607.A26 S63 1986 The Social dimensions of AIDS : method and theory / 1
RC607.A26 S64 1988 The Social impact of AIDS in the U.S. / 2
RC607.A26 S645 1993 The Social psychology of HIV infection / 1
RC607.A26 S66 1993 Women and AIDS : psychological perspectives / 1
RC607.A26 S75 1993 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome : biological, medical, social, and legal issues / 1
RC607.A26 S75 1996 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome : biological, medical, social, and legal issues / 3
RC607.A26 S75 1998 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome : biological, medical, social, and legal issues / 2
RC607.A26 S87 1987 Surviving and thriving with AIDS / 1
RC607.A26 S96 1989 SIDA 1989 : transmission materno-foetale, devenir pédiatrique, connaissance des génomes, perspectives vaccinales : symposium HIV-HTLV1, IVe JTA Fort-de-France, janvier 89 / 1
RC607.A26 T35 1989 Taking liberties / 1
RC607.A26 T48 1994 Textbook of AIDS medicine / 1
RC607.A26 T55 1990b Circle of hope : our stories of AIDS, addiction & recovery / 2
RC607.A26 T55 1994 Psychosocial aspects of AIDS : January 1992 through May 1994 : 1275 citations / 1
RC607.A26 T67 1990 Blood donors and aids in Africa : the gift relationship revisited / 1
RC607.A26 U454 Surgeon General's report on acquired immune deficiency syndrome. 1
RC607.A26 U58 1993 Until the cure : caring for women with HIV / 1
RC607.A26 V36 1992 The HIV test : what you need to know to make an informed decision / 2
RC607.A26 V42 1989 Video against AIDS 1
RC607.A26 W337 1996eb AIDS and the body politic : biomedicine and sexual difference / 1
RC607.A26 W34 1991 In the midst of winter : systemic therapy with families, couples, and individuals with AIDS infection / 2