Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC692 .S6513 1994 Emotions, hormones and atherosclerosis / 1
RC692 .S6513 1994eb Emotions, hormones and atherosclerosis / 1
RC692 .S724 2007eb The cholesterol wars : the skeptics vs. the preponderance of evidence / 1
RC692 .S78 1972 Atherogenesis: initiating factors. : Ciba Foundation Symposium 12 (new series) 1
RC692 .S78 1972eb Atherogenesis initiating factors. 1
RC692 .T53 1999 Therapeutic angiogenesis / 1
RC692 .T63 1990 Tobacco smoking and atherosclerosis : pathogenesis and cellular mechanisms / 1
RC692 .T735 2003 The role of aging in atherosclerosis : the sequestration hypothesis / 1
RC692 .T74 1987 Perspectives in inflammation, neoplasia, and vascular cell biology : proceedings of the Triton Biosciences-UCLA Symposium, held in Park City, Utah, February 2-8, 1985 / 1
RC692 .U48 2012 Ultrasound and carotid bifurcation atherosclerosis / 1
RC692 .U58 Diet, lipid metabolism, and atherosclerosis : a review of research grants supported by the National Heart Institute, 1958 to 1964 / 1
RC692 .U6 Diet, hormones, and atherosclerosis : a review of research grants supported by the National Heart Institute fiscal years 1949-1958 / 1
RC692 .V85 1999 The vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque : understanding, identification, and modification / 1
RC692 .V85 2007 The Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque : Strategies for Diagnosis and Management. 1
RC692 .V85 2007eb The Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque : Strategies for Diagnosis and Management / 1
RC692 V85 2007eb The vulnerable plaque 1
RC692 .W23 1988 Wachstumsfaktoren und Onkogenprodukte bei Entstehung und Regression der Arteriosklerose / 1
RC692 .W2632 1989  
RC692 .W2632 1990 The chelation way : the complete book of chelation therapy / 1
RC692 .W67 1977 The thrombotic process in atherogenesis : [proceedings of the Workshop on Thrombotic Process in Atherogenesis, held in Reston, Virginia, October 16-19, 1977] / 1