Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC735.E95 G67 1993 Breathing disorders : your complete exercise guide / 1
RC735.G45 3D lung models for regenerating lung tissue 1
RC735.G45 G46 2002 Gene therapy in lung disease / 1
RC735.H54 High flow nasal cannula physiological effects and clinical applications / 1
RC735.I5 Mechanical ventilation amid the COVID-19 pandemic a guide for physicians and engineers /
Practical Aspects of ECG Recording /
Basics of mechanical ventilation /
Airway stenting in interventional radiology /
Respiratory system and artificial ventilation
Inhaled medicines optimizing development through integration of in silico /
RC735.I5 A396 2007 Benumof's airway management principles and practice / 1
RC735.I5 B54 1996 Bioengineering approaches to pulmonary physiology and medicine / 1
RC735.I5 B54 1996eb Bioengineering approaches to pulmonary physiology and medicine / 1
RC735.I5 C55 2017 Clinical airway management : an illustrated case-based approach / 1
RC735.I5 H34 2012 Benumof and Hagberg's airway management 1
RC735.I5 I64 2013 Inhaler devices : fundamentals, design and drug delivery / 1
RC735.I5 K32 The essentials of respiratory therapy / 2
RC735.I5 L66 2001eb Long-term mechanical ventilation 1
RC735.I5 N38 2019 Reusable elastomeric respirators in health care : considerations for routine and surge use / 1
RC735.I5 R47 2013 Respiratory regulation-- clinical advances 1
RC735.P58 Advances in Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation / 1
RC735.R48 Manual for pulmonary and critical care medicine /
Humidification in the intensive care unit : the essentials /
Emergency Airway Management.
RC735.R48 D54 2013 The difficult airway an atlas of tools and techniques for clinical management / 1
RC735.R48 .E447 2015eb Emergency airway management / 1
RC735.R48 ebook Fundamentos de la ventilación mecánica. 1