Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC80 .H57 Prognosticacion, drawen out of the bookes of Ipocras, Avicen, and other notable auctours of physycke, shewynge the daunger of dyvers syckenesses, that is to saye, whether in peryl of death be in them or not, the pleasure of almyghty God reseruyd. 1
RC80 .J4 1982 Yun qi xue shuo / 1
RC80 .M37 2017 Mastering the basics. 1
RC80 .U53 2017 Understanding the effects of stage migration. 1
RC81 Seventeenth-century English recipe books : cooking, physic and chirurgery in the works of Elizabeth Talbot Grey and Aletheia Talbot Howard /
Here begynneth a good booke of medecines called the treasure of poore men.
Here beginneth a good boke of medecines called the Treasure of pore men.
The Cherokee physician, or, Indian guide to health /
Using medicine in science fiction : the SF writer's guide to human biology /
RC81.A1 P47 Personal health reporter. 1
RC81 .A14 Good health and bad medicine : a family medical guide / 1
RC81 .A14 1940 Good health and bad medicine : a family medical guide / 1
RC81.A2 A52 1989 The American Medical Association encyclopedia of medicine / 3
RC81.A2 E5 1998 Encyclopedia of family health / 1
RC81.A2 H75 2000 Human diseases and conditions / 1
RC 81 .A2 H75 2000 Human diseases and conditions / 3
RC81.A2 M492 1996 The medical advisor : the complete guide to alternative & conventional treatments / 2
RC81.A2 N43 The Encyclopedia of common diseases / 2
RC81.A2 N434 1986 The New complete medical and health encyclopedia / 1
RC81.A2 W33 1991 The home encyclopedia of symptoms, ailments, and their natural remedies / 2
RC81.A2 W67 1980 The World Book illustrated home medical encyclopedia.
The World book illustrated home medical encyclopedia.
RC81.A3 N49 1663 New life and spirit, to diet refreshment, and physick, by the needfull supply of mild spirits, or pleasant reviving waters for prevention of sickness, and prolongation of life : as also of pure, safe and powerfull cordials for subduing of languishing, violent, or inveterate diseases. 1
RC81.A3 R37 1663 A rare Italian water for the face, neck, breast and hands, never made in England before this present year, 1663 the vertues are as followeth. 1
RC81 .A43 1993 Amazing medicines the drug companies don't want you to discover! / 2