Call Number (LC) Title Results
RD29.7 .I63 2010 Information processing in computer-assisted interventions first international conference, IPCAI 2010, Geneva, Switzerland, June 23, 2010 ; proceedings / 1
RD29.7 .I63 2012 Information processing in computer-assisted interventions third International Conference, IPCAI 2012, Pisa, Italy, June 27, 2012. Proceedings / 1
RD29.7 .P76 1998 Proceedings of surgical-assist systems 25, 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California /
Proceedings of surgical-assist systems : 25, 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California /
RD29.7 .P76 1998eb Proceedings of surgical-assist systems 25, 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California / 1
RD29.7 .S87 2000eb Surgical arithmetic : epidemiological, statistical, and outcome-based approach to surgical practice / 1
RD29.7 .S87 2014eb  
RD29.7 ebook Tratado de cirugía general en atención primaria en salud.
Tratado de cirugía general en atención rimaria en salud.
Temas selectos en cirugía general /
Abordajes y técnicas quirúrgicas.
Principios de cirugía.
RD30 Several chirurgical treatises, containing practical observations on these following heads, viz. ... / 1
RD30 .A28 1973 Albucasis on surgery and instruments / 1
RD30 .C66 Mellificium chirurgie, or, The marrow of many good authours wherein is briefly handled the art of chyrurgery in its foure parts, with all the severall diseases unto them belonging, their definitions, causes, signes, prognosticks, and cures, both generall and particular : as also an appendix wherein is methodically set down the cure of th[o]se affects usually happening at sea and in campe, with others necessary to be known, and lastly an addition of severall magistrall receipts approved and heretofore kept secret /
Mellificium chirurgie, or, The marrow of many good authours wherein is briefly handled the art of chyrurgery in its foure parts, with all the severall diseases unto them belonging, their definitions, causes, signes, prognosticks, and cures, both generall and particular : as also an appendix wherein is methodically set down the cure of th[o]se affects usually happening at sea and in campe, with others necessary to be known, and lastly an addition of severall magistrall receipts approved and heretofore kept secret /
RD30 .C66 1676 Mellificium chirurgiæ, or, The marrow of chirurgery much enlarged to which is now added Anatomy, illustrated with twelve brass cuts, and also The marrow of physick, both in the newest way / 2
RD30 .G82 1997 Inventarium sive chirurgia magna / 1
RD30 .G8213 A Middle English version of the introduction to Guy de Ghauliac's [sic] "Chirurgia magna" / 1
RD30 .H8513 1992 The medieval surgery / 1
RD30 (INTERNET) The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri
The whole course of chirurgerie wherein is briefly set downe the causes, signes, prognostications & curations of all sorts of tumors, wounds, vlcers, fractures, dislocations & all other diseases, vsually practiced by chirurgions, according to the opinion of all our auncient doctours in chirurgerie. /
A most excellent and learned vvoorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parua Lanfranci Lanfranke of Mylayne his briefe: reduced from dyuers translations to our vulgar or vsuall frase, and now first published in the Englyshe prynte /
The questyonary of cyrurgyens with the formulary of lytell Guydo in cyrurgie, with the spectacles of cyrurgyens newly added, with the fourth boke of the Terapentyke [sic], or methode curatyfe of Claude Galyen prynce of physyciens, with a synguler treaty of the cure of vlceres, newely enprynted at London, by me Robert wyer, and be for to sell in Poules Churcheyarde, at the sygne of Judyth. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
The practyse of cyrurgyons of Mountpyller and of other that neuer came there.
RD30 .J6 The surgical works of the late John Jones 1
RD30 .J6 1775 Plain concise practical remarks on the treatment of wounds and fractures: to which is added, a short appendix on camp and military hospitals: principally designed for the use of your military surgeons, in North-American / 1
RD30 .J6 1795 The surgical works of the late John Jones 1
RD30.L32 T73 A treatise of chirurgical operations after the newest, and most exact method founded on the structure of the parts ... : to which is annex'd A general idea of wounds / 1
RD30 .L38 A compleat body of chirurgical operations containing the whole practice of surgery, with observations and remarks on each case, amongst which are inserted the several ways of delivering women in natural and unnatural labours : the whole illustrated with copper plates explaining the several bandages, sutures, and divers useful instruments /
A compleat body of chirurgical operations containing the whole practice of surgery, with observations and remarks on each case, amongst which are inserted the several ways of delivering women in natural and unnatural labours :