Call Number (LC) Title Results
RD93 .H63 2006eb Trauma rules 2 : incorporating military trauma rules /
Trauma rules 2 incorporating military trauma rules /
RD93 .H67 2023 Hospital-based injury and violence prevention programs : the Trauma Center guide for all healthcare professionals / 1
RD93 .I54 Injury epidemiology and control reprints : CDC reports on injury epidemiology and control. 1
RD93 .I55 2001 Injury Surveillance Guidelines. 1
RD93 .I55 2002 Injury and trauma sourcebook : basic consumer health information about the impact of injury, the diagnosis and treatment of common and traumatic injuries ... / 1
RD93 .I75 2010 Comprehensive wound management / 1
RD93 (INTERNET) Casus medico-chirurgicus, or, A most memorable case, of a noble-man deceased wherein is shewed His Lordship's wound, the various diseases survening, how his physicians and surgeons treated him, how treated by the author after my Lord was given over by all his physicians, with all their opinions and remedies : moreover, the art of curing the most dangerous of wounds, by the first intention, with the description of the remedies / 1
RD93 .K46 2010eb Falls aren't funny : America's multi-billion-dollar slip-and-fall crisis / 1
RD93 .K6 1878 Untersuchungen über die Aetiologie der Wundinfectionskrankheiten / 1
RD93 .L4 2013eb Psychology of trauma / 1
RD93 .M3785 2019eb Manual of definitive surgical trauma care / 1
RD93 .M44 2006eb Handbook of general surgical emergencies / 1
RD93 .M67 1954i The pathology of trauma 1
RD93 .P3 2009 Parkland trauma handbook 1
RD93 .P435 2015 Pediatric Trauma Care III : a Clinical Reference for Physicians and Nurses Caring for the Acutely Injured Child. 1
RD93 .P46 2012 Penetrating trauma a practical guide on operative technique and peri-operative management / 1
RD93 .P46 2016 Penetrating trauma : a practical guide on operative technique and peri-operative managment / 1
RD93 .R44 1938i The relation between injury and disease 1
RD93 .R69 2001eb  
RD93 .R936 2014eb Wound care 1